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Under Construction | == 4th External Review (Date: June 29(Mon) - July 1(Wed), 2015) == * [[|APA Ville Hotel Information]] * Venue Location and Access in Toyama city: [[|Toyama University]],[[|Multipurpose Auditorium in the Toyama University]] * [[|Access to Toyama city]] * The Seevogh access is prepared for AM and PM for each day, independently. The remote participants using EVO are allowed only to listen. * WiFi in the Venue, ESSID : ******, WEP or ? : Plese see the information in the room. * Note : The temperature in the Kamioka mine is about 15 degrees all year around. For prevention against the cold and accident, please wear casual long-sleeved shirt(or bring jacket), long pants and shoes. ==== Scope ==== Technical review of bKAGRA design and installation plan Current status of iKAGRA construction will be provided as well. ==== Program ==== ||||||||||<style="text-align:center">▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ 29th June (Mon) ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ || ||Time ||Title ||Speaker ||Presentation ||Document || ||||||<style="text-align:center">Project Overview ||||<style="text-align:center"> || ||9:00 ~ 10:00 ||Welcome Address and Overview || ||[[***|X]] ||- || ||10:00 ~ 10:40 ||Introduction (Tunnel and Facility) || ||[[***|X]] ||- || ||10:40 ~ 11:00 ||Discussion || ||[[***|X]] ||- || ||||||<style="text-align:center">Kamioka Tour ||||<style="text-align:center"> || ||11:00 ~ 12:20 ||||<style="text-align:center">Move to Kamioka site (Lunch in bus) ||||<style="text-align:center"> || ||12:20 ~ 16:40 ||||<style="text-align:center">On-Site Discussion ||||<style="text-align:center"> || ||16:40 ~ 18:00 ||||<style="text-align:center">Move back to Toyama ||||<style="text-align:center"> || ||||||||||<style="text-align:center">▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ 30th June (Tue) ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ || ||Time ||Title ||Speaker ||Presentation ||Document || ||9:00 ~ 12:00 ||||<style="text-align:center">Item (1) : bKAGRA Configuration and Plan ||||<style="text-align:center"> || || ||TBD (30min) ||Somiya ||[[***|X]] ||- || || ||TBD (30min) ||Aso ||[[***|X]] ||- || || ||TBD (20min) ||Saito ||[[***|X]] ||- || || ||TBD (20min) ||Uchiyama ||[[***|X]] ||- || ||12:00 ~ 13:20 ||||<style="text-align:center">Lunch ||||<style="text-align:center"> || ||13:20 ~ 17:00 ||||<style="text-align:center">Item (2) : Vibration Isolation ||||<style="text-align:center"> || || ||Overview of KAGRA VIS ||R. Takahashi ||[[***|X]] ||- || || ||Mechanical Installation Procedure ||R. Takahashi ||[[***|X]] ||-|| || ||Clean Installation Procedure ||E. Hirose ||[[***|X]] ||-|| || ||Measurement of the mirror positions ||Y. Saito ||[[***|X]] ||-|| || ||Control and Tuning of the suspensions ||T. Sekiguchi ||[[***|X]] ||-|| ||17:00 ~ 18:00 ||||<style="text-align:center">Discussion (answers to questions on the 1st day) ||||<style="text-align:center"> || ||18:00 ~ ||||<style="text-align:center">Banquet ||||<style="text-align:center"> || ||||||||||<style="text-align:center">▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ 1st July (Wed) ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ || ||Time ||Title ||Speaker ||Presentation ||Document || ||9:00 ~ 12:00 ||||<style="text-align:center">Item (3) : Cryogenics and Test mass ||||<style="text-align:center"> || ||||<style="text-align:center">TBD ||TBA ||[[***|X]] ||- || ||12:00 ~ 13:20 ||||<style="text-align:center">Lunch ||||<style="text-align:center"> || ||13:20 ~ 15:40 ||||<style="text-align:center">Item (4) : High Power Operation ||||<style="text-align:center"> || || ||Overview (15min) ||Kawamura ||[[***|X]] ||- || || ||High-power laser (15min) ||Nishiuchi ||[[***|X]] ||- || || ||Pre-stabilization system (15min) ||Nakano ||[[***|X]] ||- || || ||Baffle (15min) ||Akutsu ||[[***|X]] ||- || ||||||<style="text-align:center">Discussion (answers to questions on the 2nd day) ||||<style="text-align:center"> || ||||||<style="text-align:center">Closed Session by Reviewer ||||<style="text-align:center"> || ||16:30 ~ 16:40 ||||<style="text-align:center">Short summary and Closing remarks ||||<style="text-align:center"> || ||16:40 ||||<style="text-align:center">Adjourn ||||<style="text-align:center"> || ==== Program ==== Items to be discussed (Preliminary) ===== (1) bKAGRA configuration and Plan ===== * bKAGRA configuration [Somiya, ~30min + Discussion] * Constraints and plan on budget and milestones [Aso, ~30min + Discussion] * Influence of the cost saving (VAC + FCL) [Saito, ~20min + Discussion] * Commissioning plan based on current situation [Uchiyama, ~20min + Discussion] ===== (2) Vibration isolation ===== * Overview of the KAGRA Vibration Isolation System [R. Takahashi] * Installation Procedure * Mechanical Installation [R. Takahashi] * Clean installation of the mirrors [E. Hirose] * Measurement and verification of the mirror position/orientation. [Y. Saito] * Control and tuning of the suspension systems. [T. Sekiguchi] ===== (3) Cryo-payload and sapphire test masses ===== * Overview of cryo-payload [yamamoto] * Surface error estimate of side-cut [hirose] * Thermal noise of HCB [yamamoto] * Design of intermediate mass and recoil mass [yamamoto] * Refraction index inhomogeneity and IBF [hirose] ===== (4) High Power Operation ===== * Overview [Kawamura, 15min + Discussion] * High-power laser [Nishiuchi, 15min + Discussion] * Pre-stabilization system [Nakano, 15min + Discussion] * Baffle [Akutsu, 15min + Discussion] ==== References ==== * [[|bKAGRA Design]] * [[|KAGRA Review Paper]] (for a little more details:[[|DRSE control]] . [[|cooling]] [[|cryopayload]] [[|sapphire]] ) * [[|Report in the External Review 2014]] * Vibration Isolation [[ |PAB 2014 Nov]][[ | Installation plan (External Review 2014 Apr)]], [[ | External Review 2012 Apr]] [[ | Design Report 2014 Mar]] ==== Reviewers ==== ||Name ||Affiliation ||Remarks || ||Mike Zucker ||LIGO-Lab/ Massachusetts Institute of Technology ||Chair || ||Rana Adhikari ||LIGO-Lab/ California Institute of Technology || || ||Katsunobu Oide ||KEK || || ||Norna Robertson ||California Institute of Technology || || ||Valery Frolov ||LIGO-Lab/ California Institute of Technology || || ||Ho Jung Paik ||University of Maryland || || ||Keith Thorne ||California Institute of Technology || || ==== KAGRA Participants ==== Tomotada AKUTSU, Shinji MIYOKI, Ryutaro TAKAHASHI, Yuta MICHIMURA, Osamu MIYAKAWA, Kazuhiro YAMAMOTO, Kentaro SOMIYA, Seiji KAWAMURA, Masayuki NAKANO, Naoko OHISHI, Yoshio SAITO, Takashi UCHIYAMA, Kazuhiro HAYAMA, Ryota NISHIUCHI, Masaki ANDO, Takaaki KAJITA, Raffaele FLAMINIO, Masatake OHASHI, Eiichi HIROSE ----- |
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* The EVO access is prepared for AM and PM for each day, independently. The remote participants using EVO are allowed only to listen. | * The Seevogh access is prepared for AM and PM for each day, independently. The remote participants using EVO are allowed only to listen. |
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* WiFi in RC 6F conference room ESSID: gwextreview, WEP : Plese see the information in the room. |
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[O] : file is available. [X] : file is not yet available. [-] : file is not required. ||||||||||<style="text-align:center">4/2 (Wed) || ||Time ||Title ||Speaker ||Presentation ||Document || ||[[|EVO(2:AM)]] ||||||||<style="text-align:center"> || ||10:00-10:20 (20) ||(SEO):Objectives and Scope of this External Review ||S.Kawamura ||[[|O]] ||- || ||10:20-10:40 (20) ||(EC ):KAGRA Project Status ||T.Kajita ||[[|O]] ||- || ||10:40-10:55 (15) ||(EC ):Budget Status ||M.Ohashi ||[[|O]] ||- || ||10:55-11:15 (20) ||(EC ):Program Advisory Board Report and our Response ||T.Kajita ||[[|O]] ||- || ||11:15-11:35 (20) ||(EC ):International Collaboration Status ||K.Kuroda ||[[|O]] ||- || ||||||<style="text-align:center">Lunch (11:35 ~ 13:00) ||||<style="text-align:center"> || ||[[|EVO(2:PM)]] ||||||||<style="text-align:center"> || ||13:00-13:25 (25) ||(SEO):System Engineering Management Plan (SEMP) ||I.Nakatani ||[[|O]] ||- || ||13:25-13:50 (25) ||(SEO):KAGRA Sensitivity with Practical Parameters ||K.Somiya ||[[|O]] ||- || ||13:50-14:35(45) ||(SEO):Interface Control ||K.Somiya ||[[|O]] ||[[|Interface list]], [[|ICD]] || ||||||<style="text-align:center">Coffee Break (14:35 ~ 14:45) ||||<style="text-align:center"> || ||14:45-15:55(50) ||(SEO):Roadmap and Bottom-up Schedule ||M.Ando ||[[|O]] ||[[|Bottom Up Schedule]] || ||15:55-16:25 (30) ||(SEO):Risk Management ||M.Ando ||[[|O]] ||[[|Risk factors]] || ||||||||||<style="text-align:center"> || ||||||||||<style="text-align:center">4/3 (Thu) || ||Time ||Title ||Speaker ||Presentation ||Document || ||[[|EVO(3:AM)]] ||||||||<style="text-align:center"> || ||09:30-09:45 (15) ||(SEO):Layout ||S.Miyoki ||[[|O]] ||- || ||09:45-09:55 (10) ||(SEO):Performance Measurement System ||S.Miyoki ||[[|O]] ||- || ||09:55-10:05 (10) ||(SEO):Inventory Management ||S.Miyoki ||[[|O]] ||- || ||10:05-11:00 (55) ||(VAC):Vacuum ||Y.Saito ||[[|O]] ||[[|O]] || ||11:00-12:00 (60) ||(VIS):Vibration Isolation ||R.Takahashi ||[[|O]] ||[[|O]] || ||||||<style="text-align:center">Lunch (12:00~ 13:15) ||||<style="text-align:center"> || ||[[|EVO(3:PM)]] ||||||||<style="text-align:center"> || ||13:15-14:05 (50) ||(VIS2):Vibration Isolation ||R.DeSalvo ||[[|O]] ||- || ||14:05-15:10 (40) ||(CRY1):Cryogenic System ||T.Suzuki, N.Kimura ||[[|O]] ||[[|O]] || ||||||<style="text-align:center">Coffee Break (15:10 ~ 15:20) ||||<style="text-align:center"> || ||15:20-15:55(35) ||(CRY2):Cryo-payload ||K.Yamamoto ||[[|O]] ||[[|O same with CRY1]] || ||15:55-16:25 (25) ||(TUN):Tunnel ||T.Uchiyama ||[[|O]] ||[[|O]] || ||16:25-16:35 (10) ||(GIF):Geophysical Strainmeter ||A.Araya ||[[|O]] ||[[|O]] || ||18:00-20:00 ||||||||<style="text-align:center">Banquet (Hassai in Lala port) || ||||||||||<style="text-align:center"> || ||||||||||<style="text-align:center">4/4 (Fri) || ||Time ||Title ||Speaker ||Presentation ||Document || ||[[|EVO(4:AM)]] ||||||||<style="text-align:center"> || ||10:00-10:50 (50) ||(MIF1):Length Control ||Y.Aso ||[[|O]] ||[[|O1]]<<BR>> [[|O2]] || ||10:50-11:40 (50) ||(MIF2):Alignment Control ||Y.Aso ||- ||- || ||11:40-12:00 (20) ||Interlock ||Y.Aso et. al. ||- ||- || ||||||<style="text-align:center">Lunch (12:00 ~ 13:00) ||||<style="text-align:center"> || ||[[|EVO(4:PM)]] ||||||||<style="text-align:center"> || ||13:00-13:30 (30) ||(IOO):Input Output Optics ||S.Telada ||[[|O]] ||[[|O]] || ||13:30-14:00 (30) ||(AOS):Auxiliary Optics ||T.Akutsu ||[[|O]] ||[[|O]] || ||14:00-14:20 (20) ||(DGS):Digital System ||O.Miyakawa ||[[|O]] ||[[|O]] || ||||||<style="text-align:center">Coffee Break (14:20 ~ 14:40) ||||<style="text-align:center"> || ||14:40-15:00 (20) ||(DAS):Data Analysis ||N.Kanda ||[[|O]] ||[[|O]] || ||15:00-15:20 (20) ||(MIF4):Detector Characterization ||K.Hayama ||[[|O]] ||[[|O]] || ||15:20-16:00 (40) ||(LAS):Laser ||N. Mio ||[[|O]] ||[[|O]] || ||16:00-16:20 (20) ||(MIR):Mirror ||N. Mio ||[[|O]] ||[[|O]] || ||||||||||<style="text-align:center"> || ||||||||||<style="text-align:center">4/5 (Sat) || ||Time ||Title ||Speaker ||Presentation ||Document || ||[[|EVO(5:AM)]] ||||||||<style="text-align:center"> || ||10:00-12:00 ||Closed Session ||Reviewers ||||<style="text-align:center"> || ||||||<style="text-align:center">Lunch (12:00 ~ 13:30) ||||<style="text-align:center"> || ||13:30- ||Closed Session ||Reviewers ||||<style="text-align:center"> || ||||||||||<style="text-align:center"> || |
[P] : Preliminary. [O] : file is available. [X] : file is not yet available. [-] : file is not required. ||||||||||<style="text-align:center">▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ 2nd April (Wed) ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ || ||Time ||Title ||Speaker ||Presentation ||Document || ||||||<style="text-align:center">Project Overview ||||<style="text-align:center"> || ||10:00 ~ 10:10 (10) ||Welcome Address and Introduction ||T.Kajita ||[[|O]] ||- || ||10:10 ~ 10:30 (20) ||Scope of External Review ||M.Ando ||[[|O]] ||- || ||10:30 ~ 10:40 (10) ||Budget Status ||M.Ohashi ||[[|O]] ||- || ||10:40 ~ 11:00 (20) ||Scope/Overall Schedule ||K.Somiya/Y.Saito ||[[|O]][[|P]] ||- || ||11:00 ~ 11:30 (30) ||Installation and Commissioning Plan ||M.Ohashi/S.Kawamura ||[[|O]] ||- || ||11:30 ~ 12:00 (30) ||TUN/FCL/GIF(env) ||T.Uchiyama/S.Miyoki/A.Araya ||[[|O]],[[|O]] ,[[|O]] ||[[|FCL-VAC]] || ||12:00 ~ 13:00 (60) ||||<style="text-align:center">Lunch ||||<style="text-align:center"> || ||||||<style="text-align:center">iKAGRA Plan 1 ||||<style="text-align:center"> || ||13:00 ~ 13:30 (30) ||VAC/CRY(cryostat)/GIF(vac) ||Y.Saito/T.Suzuki/A.Araya ||[[|P]],[[|O]] ||- || ||13:30 ~ 14:30 (60) ||IOO/LAS ||K.Kawamura, N.Mio ||[[|O]], [[|x]] ||- || ||14:30 ~ 15:10 (40) ||||<style="text-align:center">Closed Meeting and Break ||||<style="text-align:center"> || ||15:10 ~ 15:30 (20) ||MIR (Silica Optics) ||E.Hirose ||[[|O]] ||- || ||15:30 ~ 16:30 (60) ||VIS ||R.Takahashi ||[[|P]] ||- || ||16:30 ~ 17:30 (60) ||||<style="text-align:center">Closed Meeting ||||<style="text-align:center"> || ||||||<style="text-align:center">Dinner ||||<style="text-align:center"> || ||||||||||<style="text-align:center"> || ||||||||||<style="text-align:center">▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ 3rd April (Thu) ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ || ||Time ||Title ||Speaker ||Presentation ||Document || ||||||<style="text-align:center">iKAGRA Plan 2 ||||<style="text-align:center"> || ||10:00 ~ 11:00 (60) ||MIF (iKAGRA) ||Y.Aso ||[[|P]] ||- || ||11:00 ~ 11:30 (30) ||AOS(oplev, viewport) ||T.Akutsu ||[[|O]] ||Another file.[[|O]] || ||11:30 ~ 13:00 (90) ||||<style="text-align:center">Lunch ||||<style="text-align:center"> || ||13:00 ~ 13:30 (30) ||DGS ||O.Miyakawa ||[[|O]] ||[[attachment:Microsoft Project - 12_DGS_large.pdf|O]] [[|O]] [[|O]] || ||13:30 ~ 14:00 (30) ||AEL ||O.Miyakawa ||[[|O]] ||[[attachment:20140310_AI.pdf|O]] || ||14:00 ~ 15:00 (60) ||DMG/DAS/DetChar ||N.Kanda, H.Tagoshi, K.Hayama ||[[|o]],[[|O]], [[|O]] ||- || ||15:00 ~ 15:30 (30) ||||<style="text-align:center">Closed Meeting and Break ||||<style="text-align:center"> || ||15:30 ~ 16:30 (60) ||||<style="text-align:center">Reserved ||||<style="text-align:center"> || ||16:30 ~ 17:30 (60) ||||<style="text-align:center">Closed Meeting ||||<style="text-align:center"> || ||18:00 ~ 20:00 ||||<style="text-align:center">Banquet at Hassai ||||<style="text-align:center"> || ||||||||||<style="text-align:center"> || ||||||||||<style="text-align:center">▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ 4th April (Fri) ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ || ||Time ||Title ||Speaker ||Presentation ||Document || ||||||<style="text-align:center">bKAGRA Plan ||||<style="text-align:center"> || ||10:00 ~ 11:00 (60) ||CRY (Suspension) ||H.Kimura/K.Yamamoto ||[[|x]], [[|P]] ||- || ||10:00 ~ 10:20 (20) ||MIF/IOO (bKAGRA)--> ''Canceled'' ||Y.Aso/K.Somiya ||[[|x]], [[|x]] ||- || ||11:00 ~ 10:20 (20) ||AOS (Baffle, BRT) ||T.Akutsu ||[[|P]] ||Additional one [[|O]] || ||11:20 ~ 11:40 (20) ||MIR (Sapphire) ||E.Hirose ||[[|P]] ||- || ||12:00 ~ 13:00 (60) ||||<style="text-align:center">Lunch ||||<style="text-align:center"> || ||13:00 ~ 15:00 (120) ||||<style="text-align:center">Closed Meeting ||||<style="text-align:center"> || ||15:00 ~ 15:30 (30) ||||<style="text-align:center">Concluding Session ||||<style="text-align:center"> || ||15:30 ~ 17:00 (90) ||||<style="text-align:center">Closed Meeting ||||<style="text-align:center"> || ||||||||||<style="text-align:center"> || [[|FCL-VAC Schedule]] [[|Other Schedule]] |
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||Giovanni Losurdo|| Advanced Virgo Project Leader, INFN Firenze - European Gravitational Observatory|| || ||Harald Lueck||GEO/ Institut für Gravitationsphysik der Leibniz Universität Hannover und Max-Planck Institut für Gravitationsphysik|| || ||Mike Landry||LIGO-Lab/ California Institute of Technology || || ||Rana Adhikari||LIGO-Lab/ California Institute of Technology || || |
||Giovanni Losurdo ||Advanced Virgo Project Leader, INFN Firenze - European Gravitational Observatory || || ||Harald Lueck ||GEO/ Institut für Gravitationsphysik der Leibniz Universität Hannover und Max-Planck Institut für Gravitationsphysik || || ||Mike Landry ||LIGO-Lab/ California Institute of Technology || || ||Rana Adhikari ||LIGO-Lab/ California Institute of Technology || || |
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||Seiji Kawamura ||KAGRA/ICRR ||Chief || ||Masaki Ando ||KAGRA/Tokyo Univ. ||Deputy chief || ||Kentaro Somiya ||KAGRA/Tokyo Institute of Technology || || |
||Seiji Kawamura ||KAGRA/ICRR || || ||Masaki Ando ||KAGRA/Tokyo Univ. ||Chief || ||Kentaro Somiya ||KAGRA/Tokyo Institute of Technology ||Deputy chief || |
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||20:15-20:45 ||Important issues ||Kawamura ||[[ |iKAGRA scope, Human resources, X-end access and Installation/commissioning]] || | ||20:15-20:45 ||Important issues ||Kawamura ||[[|iKAGRA scope, Human resources, X-end access and Installation/commissioning]] || |
External Review (in English)
4th External Review (Date: June 29(Mon) - July 1(Wed), 2015)
Venue Location and Access in Toyama city: Toyama University,Multipurpose Auditorium in the Toyama University
- The Seevogh access is prepared for AM and PM for each day, independently. The remote participants using EVO are allowed only to listen.
WiFi in the Venue, ESSID : ******, WEP or ? : Plese see the information in the room.
- Note : The temperature in the Kamioka mine is about 15 degrees all year around. For prevention against the cold and accident, please wear casual long-sleeved shirt(or bring jacket), long pants and shoes.
Technical review of bKAGRA design and installation plan Current status of iKAGRA construction will be provided as well.
▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ 29th June (Mon) ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ |
Time |
Title |
Speaker |
Presentation |
Document |
Project Overview |
9:00 ~ 10:00 |
Welcome Address and Overview |
- |
10:00 ~ 10:40 |
Introduction (Tunnel and Facility) |
- |
10:40 ~ 11:00 |
Discussion |
- |
Kamioka Tour |
11:00 ~ 12:20 |
Move to Kamioka site (Lunch in bus) |
12:20 ~ 16:40 |
On-Site Discussion |
16:40 ~ 18:00 |
Move back to Toyama |
▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ 30th June (Tue) ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ |
Time |
Title |
Speaker |
Presentation |
Document |
9:00 ~ 12:00 |
Item (1) : bKAGRA Configuration and Plan |
TBD (30min) |
Somiya |
- |
TBD (30min) |
Aso |
- |
TBD (20min) |
Saito |
- |
TBD (20min) |
Uchiyama |
- |
12:00 ~ 13:20 |
Lunch |
13:20 ~ 17:00 |
Item (2) : Vibration Isolation |
Overview of KAGRA VIS |
R. Takahashi |
- |
Mechanical Installation Procedure |
R. Takahashi |
- |
Clean Installation Procedure |
E. Hirose |
- |
Measurement of the mirror positions |
Y. Saito |
- |
Control and Tuning of the suspensions |
T. Sekiguchi |
- |
17:00 ~ 18:00 |
Discussion (answers to questions on the 1st day) |
18:00 ~ |
Banquet |
▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ 1st July (Wed) ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ |
Time |
Title |
Speaker |
Presentation |
Document |
9:00 ~ 12:00 |
Item (3) : Cryogenics and Test mass |
- |
12:00 ~ 13:20 |
Lunch |
13:20 ~ 15:40 |
Item (4) : High Power Operation |
Overview (15min) |
Kawamura |
- |
High-power laser (15min) |
Nishiuchi |
- |
Pre-stabilization system (15min) |
Nakano |
- |
Baffle (15min) |
Akutsu |
- |
Discussion (answers to questions on the 2nd day) |
Closed Session by Reviewer |
16:30 ~ 16:40 |
Short summary and Closing remarks |
16:40 |
Adjourn |
Items to be discussed (Preliminary)
(1) bKAGRA configuration and Plan
- bKAGRA configuration [Somiya, ~30min + Discussion]
- Constraints and plan on budget and milestones [Aso, ~30min + Discussion]
- Influence of the cost saving (VAC + FCL) [Saito, ~20min + Discussion]
- Commissioning plan based on current situation [Uchiyama, ~20min + Discussion]
(2) Vibration isolation
- Overview of the KAGRA Vibration Isolation System [R. Takahashi]
- Installation Procedure
- Mechanical Installation [R. Takahashi]
- Clean installation of the mirrors [E. Hirose]
- Measurement and verification of the mirror position/orientation. [Y. Saito]
- Control and tuning of the suspension systems. [T. Sekiguchi]
(3) Cryo-payload and sapphire test masses
- Overview of cryo-payload [yamamoto]
- Surface error estimate of side-cut [hirose]
- Thermal noise of HCB [yamamoto]
- Design of intermediate mass and recoil mass [yamamoto]
- Refraction index inhomogeneity and IBF [hirose]
(4) High Power Operation
- Overview [Kawamura, 15min + Discussion]
- High-power laser [Nishiuchi, 15min + Discussion]
- Pre-stabilization system [Nakano, 15min + Discussion]
- Baffle [Akutsu, 15min + Discussion]
KAGRA Review Paper (for a little more details:DRSE control
Vibration Isolation PAB 2014 NovInstallation plan (External Review 2014 Apr), External Review 2012 Apr
Name |
Affiliation |
Remarks |
Mike Zucker |
LIGO-Lab/ Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Chair |
Rana Adhikari |
LIGO-Lab/ California Institute of Technology |
Katsunobu Oide |
Norna Robertson |
California Institute of Technology |
Valery Frolov |
LIGO-Lab/ California Institute of Technology |
Ho Jung Paik |
University of Maryland |
Keith Thorne |
California Institute of Technology |
KAGRA Participants
Tomotada AKUTSU, Shinji MIYOKI, Ryutaro TAKAHASHI, Yuta MICHIMURA, Osamu MIYAKAWA, Kazuhiro YAMAMOTO, Kentaro SOMIYA, Seiji KAWAMURA, Masayuki NAKANO, Naoko OHISHI, Yoshio SAITO, Takashi UCHIYAMA, Kazuhiro HAYAMA, Ryota NISHIUCHI, Masaki ANDO, Takaaki KAJITA, Raffaele FLAMINIO, Masatake OHASHI, Eiichi HIROSE
3rd External Review (Date: April 2(Tue) - April 4(Fri), 2014)
Location and access: ICRR U-tokyo, Kashiwa campus, 6F large conference roomAccess
Bus time schadule from the west entrance of JR KASHIWA station is here
- The Seevogh access is prepared for AM and PM for each day, independently. The remote participants using EVO are allowed only to listen.
WiFi in ICRR 6F large conference room ESSID : 00icrr-11g/b (invisible), WEP : Plese see the information in the room.
Program and Presentations/Documents
[P] : Preliminary. [O] : file is available. [X] : file is not yet available. [-] : file is not required.
▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ 2nd April (Wed) ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ |
Time |
Title |
Speaker |
Presentation |
Document |
Project Overview |
10:00 ~ 10:10 (10) |
Welcome Address and Introduction |
T.Kajita |
- |
10:10 ~ 10:30 (20) |
Scope of External Review |
M.Ando |
- |
10:30 ~ 10:40 (10) |
Budget Status |
M.Ohashi |
- |
10:40 ~ 11:00 (20) |
Scope/Overall Schedule |
K.Somiya/Y.Saito |
- |
11:00 ~ 11:30 (30) |
Installation and Commissioning Plan |
M.Ohashi/S.Kawamura |
- |
11:30 ~ 12:00 (30) |
TUN/FCL/GIF(env) |
T.Uchiyama/S.Miyoki/A.Araya |
12:00 ~ 13:00 (60) |
Lunch |
iKAGRA Plan 1 |
13:00 ~ 13:30 (30) |
VAC/CRY(cryostat)/GIF(vac) |
Y.Saito/T.Suzuki/A.Araya |
- |
13:30 ~ 14:30 (60) |
K.Kawamura, N.Mio |
- |
14:30 ~ 15:10 (40) |
Closed Meeting and Break |
15:10 ~ 15:30 (20) |
MIR (Silica Optics) |
E.Hirose |
- |
15:30 ~ 16:30 (60) |
R.Takahashi |
- |
16:30 ~ 17:30 (60) |
Closed Meeting |
Dinner |
▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ 3rd April (Thu) ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ |
Time |
Title |
Speaker |
Presentation |
Document |
iKAGRA Plan 2 |
10:00 ~ 11:00 (60) |
Y.Aso |
- |
11:00 ~ 11:30 (30) |
AOS(oplev, viewport) |
T.Akutsu |
Another file.O |
11:30 ~ 13:00 (90) |
Lunch |
13:00 ~ 13:30 (30) |
O.Miyakawa |
13:30 ~ 14:00 (30) |
O.Miyakawa |
14:00 ~ 15:00 (60) |
DMG/DAS/DetChar |
N.Kanda, H.Tagoshi, K.Hayama |
- |
15:00 ~ 15:30 (30) |
Closed Meeting and Break |
15:30 ~ 16:30 (60) |
Reserved |
16:30 ~ 17:30 (60) |
Closed Meeting |
18:00 ~ 20:00 |
Banquet at Hassai |
▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ 4th April (Fri) ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ |
Time |
Title |
Speaker |
Presentation |
Document |
bKAGRA Plan |
10:00 ~ 11:00 (60) |
CRY (Suspension) |
H.Kimura/K.Yamamoto |
- |
10:00 ~ 10:20 (20) |
MIF/IOO (bKAGRA)--> Canceled |
Y.Aso/K.Somiya |
- |
11:00 ~ 10:20 (20) |
AOS (Baffle, BRT) |
T.Akutsu |
Additional one O |
11:20 ~ 11:40 (20) |
MIR (Sapphire) |
E.Hirose |
- |
12:00 ~ 13:00 (60) |
Lunch |
13:00 ~ 15:00 (120) |
Closed Meeting |
15:00 ~ 15:30 (30) |
Concluding Session |
15:30 ~ 17:00 (90) |
Closed Meeting |
FCL-VAC Schedule Other Schedule
Name |
Affiliation |
Remarks |
Giovanni Losurdo |
Advanced Virgo Project Leader, INFN Firenze - European Gravitational Observatory |
Harald Lueck |
GEO/ Institut für Gravitationsphysik der Leibniz Universität Hannover und Max-Planck Institut für Gravitationsphysik |
Mike Landry |
LIGO-Lab/ California Institute of Technology |
Rana Adhikari |
LIGO-Lab/ California Institute of Technology |
Michael E. Zucker |
LIGO-Lab/ Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Chair |
Seiji Kawamura |
Masaki Ando |
KAGRA/Tokyo Univ. |
Chief |
Kentaro Somiya |
KAGRA/Tokyo Institute of Technology |
Deputy chief |
Shinji Miyoki |
Answers for 2nd External Reviewers (Date: 20:00 (Japan Time), September 25(Tue), 2012)
Location and access: ICRR U-tokyo, Kashiwa campus, 6F large conference roomAccess
EVO access informationEVO info, "KAGRA Answers for 2nd External Reviewers"
- Program
20:00-20:15 |
Opening Address |
Kajita |
20:15-20:45 |
Important issues |
Kawamura |
iKAGRA scope, Human resources, X-end access and Installation/commissioning |
20:45-21:45 |
Technical issues |
Miyoki |
Yamamoto |
Somiya |
Ando |
21:45-22:00 |
Discussion and Opinions from Reviewers |
22:00 |
Closing Remark |
Kajita |
2nd External Review (Date: April 17(Tue) - April 20(Fri), 2012)
Location and access: ICRR U-tokyo, Kashiwa campus, 6F large conference roomAccess
Note!!: In only 19th PM, the venue is not the 6F large conference room in ICRR building, but the large conference room at the 6F floor (room:633) in 1st Research Complex building that is just next to the ICRR building.Access
Banquet is held in 18th evening at the "Hassai" in the La La port.Access in Japanese
Bus time schadule from the west entrance of JR KASHIWA station is here
- The EVO access is prepared for AM and PM for each day, independently. The remote participants using EVO are allowed only to listen.
WiFi in ICRR 6F large conference room ESSID : 00icrr-11g/b (invisible), WEP : Plese see the information in the room.
WiFi in RC 6F conference room ESSID: gwextreview, WEP : Plese see the information in the room.
[O] : file is available. [X] : file is not yet available. [-] : file is not required.
Program and Presentations/Documents
[O] : file is available. [X] : file is not yet available. [-] : file is not required.
4/17 (Tue) |
Time |
Title |
Speaker |
Presentation |
Document |
10:00-10:20 (20) |
(SEO):Objectives and Scope of this External Review |
S.Kawamura |
- |
10:20-10:40 (20) |
(EC ):KAGRA Project Status |
T.Kajita |
- |
10:40-10:55 (15) |
(EC ):Budget Status |
M.Ohashi |
- |
10:55-11:15 (20) |
(EC ):Program Advisory Board Report and our Response |
T.Kajita |
- |
11:15-11:35 (20) |
(EC ):International Collaboration Status |
K.Kuroda |
- |
Lunch (11:35 ~ 13:00) |
13:00-13:25 (25) |
(SEO):System Engineering Management Plan (SEMP) |
I.Nakatani |
- |
13:25-13:50 (25) |
(SEO):KAGRA Sensitivity with Practical Parameters |
K.Somiya |
- |
13:50-14:35(45) |
(SEO):Interface Control |
K.Somiya |
Coffee Break (14:35 ~ 14:45) |
14:45-15:55(50) |
(SEO):Roadmap and Bottom-up Schedule |
M.Ando |
15:55-16:25 (30) |
(SEO):Risk Management |
M.Ando |
4/18 (Wed) |
Time |
Title |
Speaker |
Presentation |
Document |
09:30-09:45 (15) |
(SEO):Layout |
S.Miyoki |
- |
09:45-09:55 (10) |
(SEO):Performance Measurement System |
S.Miyoki |
- |
09:55-10:05 (10) |
(SEO):Inventory Management |
S.Miyoki |
- |
10:05-11:00 (55) |
(VAC):Vacuum |
Y.Saito |
11:00-12:00 (60) |
(VIS):Vibration Isolation |
R.Takahashi |
Lunch (12:00~ 13:15) |
13:15-14:05 (50) |
(VIS2):Vibration Isolation |
R.DeSalvo |
- |
14:05-15:10 (40) |
(CRY1):Cryogenic System |
T.Suzuki, N.Kimura |
Coffee Break (15:10 ~ 15:20) |
15:20-15:55(35) |
(CRY2):Cryo-payload |
K.Yamamoto |
15:55-16:25 (25) |
(TUN):Tunnel |
T.Uchiyama |
16:25-16:35 (10) |
(GIF):Geophysical Strainmeter |
A.Araya |
18:00-20:00 |
Banquet (Hassai in Lala port) |
4/19 (Thu) |
Time |
Title |
Speaker |
Presentation |
Document |
10:00-10:50 (50) |
(MIF1):Length Control |
Y.Aso |
10:50-11:40 (50) |
(MIF2):Alignment Control |
Y.Aso |
- |
- |
11:40-12:00 (20) |
Interlock |
Y.Aso et. al. |
- |
- |
Lunch (12:00 ~ 13:00) |
13:00-13:30 (30) |
(IOO):Input Output Optics |
S.Telada |
13:30-14:00 (30) |
(AOS):Auxiliary Optics |
T.Akutsu |
14:00-14:20 (20) |
(DGS):Digital System |
O.Miyakawa |
Coffee Break (14:20 ~ 14:40) |
14:40-15:00 (20) |
(DAS):Data Analysis |
N.Kanda |
15:00-15:20 (20) |
(MIF4):Detector Characterization |
K.Hayama |
15:20-16:00 (40) |
(LAS):Laser |
N. Mio |
16:00-16:20 (20) |
(MIR):Mirror |
N. Mio |
4/20 (Fri) |
Time |
Title |
Speaker |
Presentation |
Document |
10:00-12:00 |
Closed Session |
Reviewers |
Lunch (12:00 ~ 13:30) |
13:30- |
Closed Session |
Reviewers |
Name |
Affiliation |
Remarks |
Stefan Ballmer |
LSC/ Syracuse University |
Raffaele Flaminio |
Laboratoire des Matériaux Avancés - CNRS/IN2P3 |
Andreas Freise |
GEO/ University of Birmingham |
Roberto Passaquieti |
Virgo/ University of Pisa |
David Ottaway |
ACIGA&LSC/ University of Adelaide |
Benno Willke |
GEO/ Leibniz Universität Hannover |
Michael E. Zucker |
LIGO-Lab/ Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Chair |
Seiji Kawamura |
Chief |
Masaki Ando |
KAGRA/Kyoto Univ. |
Deputy chief |
Ichiro nakatani |
Shinji Miyoki |
Kentaro Somiya |
KAGRA/Tokyo Institute of Technology |
Note for presenters (in Japanese)
- 1. Overview
- 1-1. Definition and scope of the subsystem
- (該当サブシステムの一般的な定義、特にどのサブシステムに属するか明白でない項目についても明記)
- 1-2. Important interface
- (該当サブシステムと他のサブシステムとの間のインターフェースについての一般的な記述、特に重要なものについては詳述)
- 1-3. Design phase
- (iKAGRAの最終設計、bKAGRAの予備設計という範疇に入らないものを明記)
- 1-1. Definition and scope of the subsystem
- 2. iKAGRA
- 2-1. Target specifications(目標仕様、重要なスペックだけでよい)
- 2-2. Final design
- デザインの記述、最終設計により目標仕様を満たすことができることの説明を加えてください。
- 2-3. Schedule
- 2-4. Quality assurance
- 製造過程において性能を保障するための方策
- 購入・製作物品の性能確認方法
- 2-5. Installation scenario
- 2-6. Risk management(各リスクを可能性と重大さに応じて評価、対策を講じる(SEMP参照))
- 3. bKAGRA
- 3-1. Requirements
- 3-2. Preliminary design
- 予備設計により要求値を満たすことができることの説明を含めてください
- 3-3. Schedule
- 3-4. Prototype test (if any)(予備設計の妥当性を確かめるためのプロトタイプテストの計画)
- 3-5. Quality assurance
- 製造過程において性能を保障するための方策
- 購入・製作物品の性能確認方法
- 3-6. Installation scenario
- 3-7. Risk management
- Appendix
- A. Design changes that have been made with the suggestions in the 1st external review (if any)
- (前回の外部レビューで推奨された案件に従って設計の変更を行ったものを列挙)
- B. Items that have been reduced in cost (if any)
- (以前の設計でオーバースペックだったが、予算削減のためにスペックダウンした項目
- C.Human resources
- 今後必要とされるマンパワー(人数)を2018年まで1年ごとに表示してください。
- A. Design changes that have been made with the suggestions in the 1st external review (if any)