Differences between revisions 115 and 117 (spanning 2 versions)
Revision 115 as of 2011-06-13 10:20:07
Size: 2467
Revision 117 as of 2011-06-13 10:58:31
Size: 2552
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
Line 34: Line 34:
 1) Data Analysis(Physical targets) ---Kanda 25 minutes
 2) Interferometer(laser, I/O optics, interferometer) ---–Ando 25
 3) Infrastructure (vacuum, facility) ---Miyoki 20
 4) Anti-vibration --–Takahashi 25
) Cryogenic suspension ---Suzuki 25
 1) Data Analysis(Physical targets) ---Kanda
 2) Interferometer(laser, I/O optics, interferometer)
 3) Infrastructure (vacuum, facility)---Miyoki
 4) Anti-vibration                   --–Takahashi
5) Cryogenic suspension             ---Suzuki
Line 41: Line 42:
 1) Report of External Review --Kawamura
 2) Report of special WG -- Ando
 1) Report of External Review  --Kawamura
 2) Report of special WG       -- Ando
Line 44: Line 45:
 3) Report of special WG -- Somiya  3) Report of special WG       -- Somiya
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 Responding to inquiries submitted on the first day -- Chief  Responding to inquiries submitted on the first day
-- Chief


Guideline of the review process is here.

Subsystem review is categorized to following three;

  1. Internal Review (Nov. 2010~)

  2. External Review (Feb.28-Mar.4 2011)

  3. Program Advisory Board (June 21-22, 2011)

Program Advisory Board (in English)

Date: June 21(Tue) - 22(Wed), 2011

Location and access: ICRR U-tokyo, Kashiwa campus, 6F large conference room


Review documents


----First day-----21st June
10:00-11:00 Overview of LCGT Project
 1) Overview of LCGT project and purpose of this meeting --Kajita
 2) Collaboration members, organization, collaboration with other projects ---Kuroda
 3) Budget, schedule, expenditure in FY2010 ---Ohashi
11:00-11:30 Project Management
 1) Policy and Structure of management --Nakatani
11:30-12:00 Closed session
12:00-13:00 Lunch
13:00-15:00 Design Report
 1) Data Analysis(Physical targets) ---Kanda
 2) Interferometer(laser, I/O optics, interferometer) 
 3) Infrastructure (vacuum, facility)---Miyoki
 4) Anti-vibration                   --–Takahashi
 5) Cryogenic suspension             ---Suzuki
15:05-15:30 Coffee Break
15:30-17:00 Review and Measures
 1) Report of External Review  --Kawamura
 2) Report of special WG       -- Ando
 3) Report of special WG       -- Somiya
17:00-17:30 Closed session (formulation of questions for second day)

------Second day------22nd June
10:00-12:00 Q&A
 Responding to inquiries submitted on the first day
                           -- Chief
14:00-16:00 Closed session
 (this is for summarizing a report)





Masanori Iye

NAOJ, Extremely Large Telescope Project Office

David McClelland


Benoit Mours

Virgo, LAPP Annecy

Takashi Nakamura

Department of Physics II, Kyoto University

Bernard Schutz

GEO, AEI, Potsdam

Gary Sanders

Thirty Meter Telescope project

Akira Yamamoto

KEK, Cryogenics Science Center

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LCGT/Meeting/Reviews (last edited 2012-06-06 12:35:10 by OsamuMiyakawa)