Differences between revisions 34 and 37 (spanning 3 versions)
Revision 34 as of 2012-01-30 19:51:18
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Revision 37 as of 2012-01-30 20:11:15
Size: 9573
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||||||||<style="text-align:center">August 3 (Wed.) || ||||||||<style="text-align:center">February 2 (Thu.) ||
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|| ||Overview ||K. Kuroda [10min] ||[[http://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=522|G1100522]] ||
|| ||Report of Korean-Japan workshop ||S.Kawamura [15min] ||[[http://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/private/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=525|G1100525]] ||
|| ||Overview ||K. Kuroda [10min] || ||
|| ||Report of Korean-Japan workshop ||S.Kawamura [15min] || ||
Line 84: Line 84:
|| ||Overview ||I.Nakatani [10min] ||[[http://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/private/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=528|G1100528]] ||
|| ||Budget Status ||M.Ohashi [10min] ||[[http://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/private/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=532|G1100532]] ||
|| ||Roadmap of LCGT ||M.Ando [30min] ||[[http://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/private/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=527|G1100527]] ||
|| ||Overview ||I.Nakatani [10min] || ||
|| ||Budget Status ||M.Ohashi [10min] || ||
|| ||Roadmap of LCGT ||M.Ando [30min] || ||
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||||||||<style="text-align:center">August 4 (Thu.) || ||||||||<style="text-align:center">February 3 (Fri.) ||
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||17:10~ ||||||<style="text-align:center">Moving to [[http://kashiwa.lalaport.jp/|LaLaport]] (Public Bus from Kokuritsu-gan(cancer) center to Kashiwanoha-campus-station:<<BR>>17:13, 17:19, 17:38, 18:03, 18:04, 18:28) , [[http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=ja&geocode=&q=グランブッフェ+ららポート 柏の葉&aq=&sll=35.891414,139.955435&sspn=0.049439,0.050468&ie=UTF8&hq=グランブッフェ+ららポート&hnear=日本,+千葉県柏市柏の葉&ll=35.893639,139.954147&spn=0.049437,0.050468&z=14&iwloc=A|map]] ||
||18:30~ ||||||<style="text-align:center">Banquet at [[http://kashiwa.lalaport.jp/shopguide/1216838_3682.html|Hassai]] in LaLaport 3F ||
|| || || || ||
:10~ ||||||<style="text-align:center">Moving to [[http://kashiwa.lalaport.jp/|LaLaport]] (Public Bus from Kokuritsu-gan center (National Cancer Center) to Kashiwanoha-campus-station:<<BR>>18:28, 18:39, 18:53, 19:19, 19:23; or from Torai-mae :<<BR>>18:24, 18:25, 18:35, 18:47, 18:49, 19:15, 19:19) , [[http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=ja&geocode=&q=グランブッフェ+ららポート 柏の葉&aq=&sll=35.891414,139.955435&sspn=0.049439,0.050468&ie=UTF8&hq=グランブッフェ+ららポート&hnear=日本,+千葉県柏市柏の葉&ll=35.893639,139.954147&spn=0.049437,0.050468&z=14&iwloc=A|map]] ||
||19:30~ ||||||<style="text-align:center">Banquet at [[http://kashiwa.lalaport.jp/shopguide/1216830_3682.html|Grand Buffet]] in ![[http://kashiwa.lalaport.jp/|LaLaport]] 3F ||
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||||||||<style="text-align:center">August 5 (Fri.) || ||||||||<style="text-align:center">February 6 (Sat.) ||
Line 136: Line 137:
||9:45-12:00 ||||||<style="text-align:center">Report from sub-groups 2 (chair: M.Ando) ||
|| ||Main Interferometer ||Y.Aso, Y.Michimura, K.Agatsuma [30+5 min] ||[[http://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/private/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=554|G1100554]](Overview)<<BR>>[[http://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=533|G1100533]] (ASC)<<BR>>[[http://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=553|G1100553]] (PRC) ||
|| ||Input Output Optics ||S.Telada [10+5 min] ||[[http://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=539|G1100539]] ||
||9:00-9:30 ||||||<style="text-align:center">Science (chair: N.Kanda) ||
|| || ||K. Kyutoku [25+5 min] || ||
|| ||Input Output Optics ||S.Telada [10+5 min] || ||
Line 140: Line 141:
|| ||Auxiliary Optics ||T.Akutsu [20+5 min] ||[[http://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/private/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=543|G1100543]] ||
|| ||Baseline Interferometer ||A.Araya [25+5 min] ||[[http://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=556|G1100556]] ||
|| ||Auxiliary Optics ||T.Akutsu [20+5 min] || ||
|| ||Baseline Interferometer ||A.Araya [25+5 min] || ||

LCGT face to face meeting

Date: February 2(Thu)-4(Sat), 2012

Location and access: ICRR U-tokyo, Kashiwa campus, 6F large conference room


F2F meeting

The face-to-face meeting of LCGT Collaboration will be held at Kashiwa campus from the 3rd to the 5th of August, 2011. The objective of this meeting is to let all collaboration members know the current status of LCGT and is to exchange information among different sub-systems for coherently and efficiently conducting the project. We may have to discuss unsolved problems that have been studied by the special working groups and will make decisions if possible. On the first day, we will hear talks from persons and groups that hope to join the collaboration, and also decide upon their application. We shall also hear about status of the project and management issues. On the second day, there will be presentations on the astrophysical sources that LCGT hopes to investigate, including two guest talks. The report of the sub-working groups will be presented in the afternoon of the second day and the morning session of the third day. In the afternoon of the third day, we will have talks on R&D for advanced detectors.

I hope in this meeting that we have wide and deep discussions to find the best ways to fulfill the scientific objectives of LCGT.

Kazuaki Kuroda


If you will attend this LCGT f2f meeting, please visit below page and register by Janualy 18.

We plan to have a banquet in the evening on February 3rd. If you attend the banquet please put 'yes' in the box for attending the banquet on the registration page and pay the fee JPY3500 for staff (JPY2500 for student) by cash at the front desk of conference.

The fee for coffee break is JPY500 for others.

If you plan to stay at the lodge in Kashiwa-campus of ICRR, U-Tokyo, please put the dates you hope to stay in the box for accommodation request on the registration page. Note that we have limited number of rooms, so please register ASAP if you are thinking to stay at campus.

Partipants list

Free shuttle bus for visitors from Kashiwano-ha station to ICRR Kashiwa-campus

Here is an information for those who attend the f2f meeting. We have Free shuttle bus for visitors from Kashiwano-ha station to ICRR Kashiwa campus.

Information is written in Japanese, but you can see a map of bus stop and time table.

Buses leaving Kashiwano-ha station in the morning:

8:00, 8:20, 8:40,
9:00, 9:40,
10:00, 10:20, 10:40 (last in the morning)

Additionally, there are almost the same number of public bus (Tobu-bus,), all the day. If you take on the bus Nishikashiwa 03 or 04, the nearest bus stop is "Kokuritsu Gan Kenkyu Center" (National Cancer Research Center). If you take on the bus Nishikashiwa 10 (in the below table, it has *), the nearest bus stop is "Todai-mae".

8:00, 8:08, 8:18, 8:26, 8:35*, 8:43, 8:50
9:00, 9:12, 9:25, 9:35, 9:40, 9:45*, 9:50
10:05, 10:20, 10:33*, 10:40, 10:50, 10:50


  • Date and time: February 3 (Fri), 19:30~
  • Location: Grand Buffet (Buffet style restaurant) at LaLaport 3F, around Kashiwano-ha campus station of Tsukuba Express

    • Restaurant information (only Japanese)

    • Please pay JPY3500 for staff (non-student) and JPY2500 for student at the registration.


February 2 (Thu.)



Speaker [time for a talk + questions]





LCGT progect (chair: K.Kuroda)

LCGT Overview

T.Kajita [15 min]

Introduction of New Members & guests

K. Kuroda

Proposal by new collaborator (Osaka University)

L. Baiotti [30 min]

Lunch time 12:15~13:45


Status of International Collaborations (chair: K. Kuroda)


K. Kuroda [10min]

Report of Korean-Japan workshop

S.Kawamura [15min]

Data sharing discussion

N. Kanda [30 min]

Open data policy

S. Kawamura [15 min]

Break 14:55~15:10


Project management (chair: I.Nakatani)


I.Nakatani [10min]

Budget Status

M.Ohashi [10min]

Roadmap of LCGT

M.Ando [30min]

Break 15:45~16:05

Author list for publications

K.Kuroda [15min]

Internal/External reviews

S.Kawamura [15min]

Interface Control Document

K.Somiya [20min]


S.Miyoki [20min]


International Board of Representatives

February 3 (Fri.)



Speaker [time for a talk + questions]



Reports of sub-groups 1


T. Uchiyama [15+5min]


Y. Saito [10+5min]

Vibration Isolation

R.Takahashi [40+5min]

Break 10:20~10:40


T.Suzuki [40+5min]

Auxiliary Optics

T.Akutsu [20+5min]

Lunch time 11:50~13:15


Invited Talk (chair: M.Ohashi)

LIGO 2.5 strawman design

H.Yamamoto [30+5 min]


Reports of sub-groups 2

Laser and Mirror

N. Mio [30+5 min]

Main Interferometer (1)

Y. Aso [40+5 min]

Break 15:10~15:30

Main Interferometer (2)

K. Hayama [20+5 min]

Input Output Optics

S. Telada [10+5 min]

Digital System

O. Miyakawa [20+5 min]

Break 16:30~16:50

Analog Electronics

S. Moriwaki [20+5 min]

Data Analysis

N. Kanda [20+5 min]

Baseline Interferometer

A. Araya [25+5 min]


Moving to LaLaport (Public Bus from Kokuritsu-gan center (National Cancer Center) to Kashiwanoha-campus-station:
18:28, 18:39, 18:53, 19:19, 19:23; or from Torai-mae :
18:24, 18:25, 18:35, 18:47, 18:49, 19:15, 19:19) , map


Banquet at Grand Buffet in !LaLaport 3F

February 6 (Sat.)



Speaker [time for a talk + questions]



Science (chair: N.Kanda)

K. Kyutoku [25+5 min]

Input Output Optics

S.Telada [10+5 min]

Break 10:40~11:00

Auxiliary Optics

T.Akutsu [20+5 min]

Baseline Interferometer

A.Araya [25+5 min]

Lunch time 12:00~13:30


Advanced R&D (chair: K.Somiya)

Squeezing for LCGT

N.Matsumoto (U Tokyo) [15+10min]


Filter cavity design for LCGT

Y.Susa (TITech) [15+10min]


New suspension study for LCGT

E.Nishida (Ochadai) [15+10min]




Closing session

EVO broadcast

EVO broadcast is available during the LCGT f2f meeting.

We will support only for listening the meeting, but not for saying something from listeners since this face to face meeting, as shown in its name, is supposed that all the participants meet at the conference room directly.

EVO information:

  • Title: LCGT f2f
  • Date and Time: during the meeting on 8/3-5

Help for EVO is here.

LCGT/Meeting/f2f/2012Feb (last edited 2012-09-15 17:33:20 by OsamuMiyakawa)