Hotel information for the 8th Face to face meeting: Aug 1 - Aug 3, 2013 @ University of Toyama


The best way is that you reserve hotel near Toyama station. There are a lot of hotels, shops and restaurants there. It takes about 20 minutes from Toyama station to University of Toyama by tram or car.

I am not so sure that staffs of hotels can speak English because I have never asked something at Japanese hotels in English. In some hotels, you can ask in English. But I am afraid that such hotels are expensive.

Hotels which KAGRA and CLIO collaborators often stay

These hotels are near Toyama station.

In this meeting, we have three social events; KAGRA and CLIO site tour, Lecture about Gravitational Wave Physics for beginners, and Banquet. If you would like to join (VERY SORRY BUT REGISTRATION FOR KAGRA SITE TOUR CLOSED !), please put 'yes' in the box for each event on the registration page. Details are as follow.