Scope of the meeting

Primary objectives of the 12th KAGRA f2f meeting are (i) to share the information about the iKAGRA current status and the commissioning plan before its observation run that is scheduled in December and (ii) to discuss a bottom-up installation plan of bKAGRA according to the schedule of each subsystem. All the KAGRA collaboration members are encouraged to participate the meeting. The meeting provides opportunities to present any novel ideas to improve the project.

A sub-meeting of the International Board of Representatives will be held in the evening of the 27th. We will have a banquet on the 28th. No official site tour is scheduled this time. The venue of the meeting is the Multi-purpose Hall on the second floor of the main building of the Graduate school of Science in the University of Toyama. The banquet will be held at the Cafe Azami (near the main entrance of the University of Toyama).

Program (27 - 29 August)

27th, Aug (Thu)

28th, August (Fri)

29th, August (Sat)

Accommodation and access


Please book a room yourself. Here is some information about hotels near the University of Toyama.
