Differences between revisions 2 and 9 (spanning 7 versions)
Revision 2 as of 2019-04-14 17:36:18
Size: 2142
Revision 9 as of 2019-04-20 17:27:52
Size: 2425
Editor: YukiInoue
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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Date : April/22   Date : April/22
Line 5: Line 6:
Place : the same room with F2F.  
Place : the same room with F2F.
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== 1. Calibration and hardware related issues == == I. Calibration and hardware related issues ==
Line 16: Line 19:
chair: T.Tomaru ''chair: T.Tomaru''
Line 18: Line 21:
* Current Status (Y.Inoue)
 - ''end-to-end'' of KAGRA calibration
 - '''Flow chart of works and dedicated persons'''
  - Who is working on What/How ?
 1. Current Status (Y.Inoue)
 * end-to-end of KAGRA calibration
 * Flow chart of works and dedicated persons
  * Who is working on What/How ?
Line 23: Line 26:
- _**Remark the goal/target of O3**_
 - goal / target !?
 - Q: Are we ready for O3 ?
  - prepared/finished items: , , , ,
  - remain items : , , , ,
  - option : , , ,
 1. Remark the goal/target of O3
 * goal / target !?
 * Q: Are we ready for O3 ?
  * prepared/finished items: , , , ,
  * remain items : , , , ,
  * options : , , ,
Line 32: Line 35:
- GW (Gravitational Wave) Metrology Workshop report, home works (Y.Inoue)
- LVK cross check
- Toward O4
 - Preparation for O4
 - How /What goal for the finish of O4 in KAGRA ?
 1.#3 GW (Gravitational Wave) Metrology Workshop report (Y.Inoue)[[https://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/private/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=10123|slide]]
 1. LVK cross check
Crosscheck meeting with LVK (Homework) will be held on July (We have this meeting every seasons).
At that time, we discuss the following things:
 -Pcal error budget -> https://dcc.ligo.org/LIGO-T1800046
 (-Error budget of h(t) (Engineering run))
 1. Toward O4
 * Preparation for O4
 * How /What goal for the finish of O4 in KAGRA ?
Line 41: Line 48:
chair : N.Kanda ''chair : N.Kanda''
Line 43: Line 50:
- Hardware conditions/evaluations (con't for discussion in a.m.)  1.#6 Hardware conditions/evaluations (con't for discussion in a.m.)
Line 45: Line 52:
- _Proc. Data_ (T.Yamamoto and/or T.Sawada)
 - C1#
  - Filter design
  - Expected quality
  - Latency
  - variation of files, i.e. length, recorded channels, etc.
  - decisions for O3
 1. Proc. Data (T.Yamamoto and/or T.Sawada)
 * C1#
  * Filter design
  * Expected quality
  * Latency
  * variation of files, i.e. length, recorded channels, etc.
  * decisions for O3
Line 53: Line 60:
 - C2#
  - Target quality
  - Cadence of offline generation
  - Necessary items for C2#
 * C2#
  * Target quality
  * Cadence of offline generation
  * Necessary items for C2#
Line 58: Line 65:
- _Data files_ (N.Kanda)
 - Data flow overview
 - Variations including low latency files
 1. Data files (N.Kanda)
 * Data flow overview
 * Variations including low latency files
Line 62: Line 69:
== 2. Data Analysis related with Calibration ==
chair : Y.Inoue
== II. Data Analysis related with Calibration ==
''chair : Y.Inoue''
Line 66: Line 73:
- GW waveform injection (T.Sawada)
- Simulation (S.Tsuchida)
- Analysis topics related with calibration
 1.#9 GW waveform injection (T.Sawada)
 1. Simulation (S.Tsuchida)
 1. Analysis topics related with calibration
Line 70: Line 77:
== 3. Grants strategy (closed session) ==
=== 15:30- : ===
This is closed session for grant member only.    Because we will discuss about some issues on the budget execution, etc.
Until 17:00 in late case.
== III. Grants strategy (closed session) ==
=== 15:30- (Until 17:00 in late case.) : ===
''This is closed session for grant member only.''

Satellite Meeting on Calibration and related grants projects

Date : April/22

Time : 9:00 - 15:30

Place : the same room with F2F.

Presentation registration of the satellite meeting should be made directly to Calibration subgroup and leader of related grants ; kanda\_at\_sci.osaka-cu.ac.jp, tomaru\_at\_post.kek.jp, iyuki\_at\_post.kek.jp

Discussion Program and Agenda

We would like to have general discussion on the KAGAR calibration, $h(t)$ reconstruction and hardware related issues.

9:00-12:00 Remark and Sharing the Current Status of calibration around O3

chair: T.Tomaru

  1. Current Status (Y.Inoue)
    • end-to-end of KAGRA calibration
    • Flow chart of works and dedicated persons
      • Who is working on What/How ?
  2. Remark the goal/target of O3
    • goal / target !?
    • Q: Are we ready for O3 ?
      • prepared/finished items: , , , ,
      • remain items : , , , ,
      • options : , , ,


  1. GW (Gravitational Wave) Metrology Workshop report (Y.Inoue)slide

  2. LVK cross check

Crosscheck meeting with LVK (Homework) will be held on July (We have this meeting every seasons). At that time, we discuss the following things:

  • -Pcal error budget -> https://dcc.ligo.org/LIGO-T1800046 (-Error budget of h(t) (Engineering run))

  • Toward O4
    • Preparation for O4
    • How /What goal for the finish of O4 in KAGRA ?

13:00-14:00 Technical issues on h(t) reconstruction

chair : N.Kanda

  1. Hardware conditions/evaluations (con't for discussion in a.m.)
  2. Proc. Data (T.Yamamoto and/or T.Sawada)
    • C1#
      • Filter design
      • Expected quality
      • Latency
      • variation of files, i.e. length, recorded channels, etc.
      • decisions for O3
    • C2#
      • Target quality
      • Cadence of offline generation
      • Necessary items for C2#
  3. Data files (N.Kanda)
    • Data flow overview
    • Variations including low latency files

chair : Y.Inoue


  1. GW waveform injection (T.Sawada)
  2. Simulation (S.Tsuchida)
  3. Analysis topics related with calibration

III. Grants strategy (closed session)

15:30- (Until 17:00 in late case.) :

This is closed session for grant member only.

LCGT/Meeting/f2f/2019Apr/CalRelated (last edited 2019-04-22 15:07:03 by TakahiroYamamoto)