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<<TableOfContents(3)>> = LCGT collaboration meeting = == Meeting schedule == .[[LCGT/Meeting/weekly/schedule|Schedule from October to December, 2010]] The conference room is the Seminar room on 6th floor of the ICRR and you need to connect to the MCU provided by the Information Center in the University of Tokyo. (IP address: which is available from 7:30am) ----- == 35th(domestic): December 13, 2010(Mon) 14pm~(JST) == [[LCGT/Meeting/weekly/20101213/EVO|EVO connection]] [ [[LCGT/Meeting/EVOen|help]] ] Agenda 1. Ranaの報告 1. プロジェクト報告 1. サポートグループ報告 1. 予算執行状況の報告 1. 各サブシステム報告 1. レビューAの進捗状況報告とレビューBへの準備 1. 2011年Collaboration Meeting予定 (含:2月のf2f meeting企画) 1. 新規共同研究者の受入方法確認 1. LCGTの文書管理について(再) 1. その他 Files . [[attachment:LCGT/Meeting/weekly/20101213|Laser, Mirroe]] (Mio) . [[LCGT/Meeting/f2f/2011Feb|A plan of f2f program]] (Miyakawa) == 34th(international): November 30, 2010(Tue) 8am~(JST) == [[LCGT/Meeting/weekly/20101130/EVO|EVO connection]] [ [[LCGT/Meeting/EVOen|help]] ] Agenda 1. Project report (Kajita) 2. Report from project support group (Miyoki) 3. Report of each sub-working group (sub-group leader) 4. Report of expenditure of LCGT budget (Ohashi) 5. Review A -highlight and recommendation for each review (Kawamura and/or Ando) 6. International collaboration (MOU-LIGO, Virgo, China) (Kuroda) 7. Report of international conferences (APPC11, ET3) (Kuroda & Somiya) 8. Others Files . [[attachment:tunnel sub-group report.pdf|Tunnel sub-group report (Uchiyama)]] == 33th(domestic): November 15, 2010(Mon) 14pm~(JST) == [[LCGT/Meeting/weekly/20101115/EVO|EVO connection]] [ [[LCGT/Meeting/EVOen|help]] ] *TV会議の接続:東大MCUを予約していますが、東大のMCUは発言者の画面が拡大される機能がない不便さがあることとEVO接続により多数の Poly''''''Com接続を必要としなくなってきているため、試験的に今回は東大MCUを介さずに開催します。もし、不便が生じるような場合には、臨機 応変に対応します。 Agenda 1. プロジェクト報告 1. 各サブグループ報告 1. ロードマップ作業班報告 1. 予算執行状況の報告とアナウンス 1. 内部レビュー(タイプA)スケジュール報告 1. マネージメント組織の改定について 1. ドキュメント管理について 1. 命名委員会について 1. コモンパスワードの設定 1. その他 Files . [[attachment:LCGT/Meeting/weekly/20101115/101115 中谷(内部レビュー日程).ppt|Schedule for Internal Reviews]] (Nakatani) . [[attachment:LCGT/Meeting/weekly/20101115/101115 中谷(組織).ppt|Modification to LCGT Management Organization]] (Nakatani) . [[attachment:LCGT/Meeting/weekly/20101115/20101115_LCGT_document.pdf|Review process of your presentation file for international conferences]] (Miyakawa) . [[attachment:LCGT/Meeting/weekly/20101115/20101115_LCGT_commonpass.pdf|Setting common passwords]] (Miyakawa) ---- == 32th: November 2, 2010(Tue) 8am~(JST) == [[LCGT/Meeting/weekly/20101102/EVO|EVO connection]] [ [[LCGT/Meeting/EVOen|help]] ] Agenda 1. Project report 1. Report from management support group 1. Report of Chief meeting 1. Plan & Status of budget expenditure (Preparation of calling for bids) 1. Renewal of Program Advisory Board 1. Status of MOUs (LIGO, Virgo, GEO) 1. Guideline for Review 1. Others Files . [[attachment:LCGT/Meeting/weekly/20101102/PAB.ppt|Program Advisory Board (Kuroda)]] . [[attachment:LCGT/Meeting/weekly/20101102/Guideline for Review.ppt|Guideline for Review (Nakatani)]] . [[attachment:Tunnel sub-group 101102.pdf|Tunnel sub-group report (Uchiyama)]] . [[attachment:20101102_vis.pdf|Vibration isolation system sub-group report (Takahashi)]] . [[attachment:20101102_LCGT_Meeting.ppt|Laser, Mirror sub-group report (Mio)]] . [[attachment:20101102_digital.pdf|Digital system sub-group report (Miyakawa)]] . [[attachment:lcgt_geo_101102.pdf|Baseline interferometer sub-group report (Araya)]] . [[attachment:DataAna_2010Nov.pdf|Data analysis sub-group report (Kanda)]] . [[attachment:ISC-2010-11-2.pdf|Interferometer Sensing and Control (Aso)]] . [[|Electronics sub-group (Moriwaki)]] == 31th: October 18, 2010(Mon) 14pm~(JST) == [[LCGT/Meeting/weekly/20101018/EVO|EVO connection]] [ [[LCGT/Meeting/EVOJ|help]] ] Agenda 1. 各種報告(マネージメント、各サブワーキンググループ) 1. 特別作業班の検討状況報告 1. プロジェクト予算執行状況 1. 推進組織の改定 1. LCGT collaboration membership 1. 海外・各機関とのMOU及び研究協力 1. クライオスタット実証器の提案 1. その他 Files .[[attachment:LCGT/Meeting/weekly/20101018/レビューの進め方Ver8.doc|レビューの進め方(中谷)]] .クライオスタット実証器の提案(鈴木) [[attachment:LCGT/Meeting/weekly/20101018/sapphire_sus20101018.ppt|ppt]], [[attachment:LCGT/Meeting/weekly/20101018/sapphire_sus20101018.pdf|pdf]] [[LCGT/Meeting/weekly/minute/20101018|Minute (in Japanese)]] == 30th: September 7, 2010(Tue) 8am~(JST) == Agenda 1. General report of the project (progress since the last meeting on 2nd, August) 2. Construction Schedule in detail (based on the summary by PM support group) 3. Revised organization diagram (renewed sub-WGs, newly created LCGT Steering Committee) 4. Guideline to accept new members of LCGT 5. Diameter of vacuum tube (re-confirmation) 6. Progress report of MOU with LIGO for the cooperative research agreement (discussion point: Policy of data-exchange in future) 7. Others Files . 2.[[|Time schedule for LCGT project]] (password protected) . 3.[[|LCGT Construction organization]] (password protected) . 4.[[|Guideline of the membership of LCGT Collaboration]] (password protected) . 5.[[|Determination of the diameter of vacuum tube]] (password protected) == 29th: August 2, 2010(Mon) 2pm~(JST) == Agenda 1. Status report (T. Kajita) 2. Design report (O. Miyakawa) and Discussion 3. Proposal of LCGT Organization (K. Kuroda) 4. Proposal of the working group of LCGT roadmap (I. Nakatani) 5. Discussion of the guideline of the membership of LCGT 6. Others Files *[[attachment:LCGT/Meeting/weekly/20100802/Welcome-Kajita-100802.pdf|Status report]] *[[attachment:LCGT/Meeting/weekly/20100802/20100802_LCGT_meeting_IFO.pdf|IFO basic cocept]] *[[|LCGT organization]] (password protected) *[[|Proposal for Creating New Task Force]] (password protected) * [[LCGT/Meeting/weekly/minute/20100802|Minute]] == 28th: July 20, 2010(Mon) 2pm~(JST) == Agenda 1. Status report from Management group 2. Report from Support group of Project Manager 3. Discussion and determination of the domestic organization to execute the project 4. Task allocation on working teams 5. Others Files *[[|Report from management group]] (password protected) *[[attachment:LCGT/Meeting/weekly/20100720/競争参加資格(B.pdf|競争参加資格]] *[[attachment:LCGT/Meeting/weekly/20100720/契約実務取扱,Dx.pdf|契約実務取扱]] *[[attachment:LCGT/Meeting/weekly/20100720/重力波望遠鏡|重力波望遠鏡X78]] *[[attachment:LCGT/Meeting/weekly/20100720/2010-0720-mio.ppt|Mirror & Laser]] *[[|Cryo and Vacuum]] (password protected) * [[LCGT/Meeting/weekly/minute/20100720|Minute (in Japanese)]] == 第27回 2010年6月28日(月) 午後2時〜5時 == 場所:宇宙線研大セミナー室(TV会議接続有り) 議題 1. 最先端研究基盤事業への採択の報告とLCGT全体計画との整合性について 2. 本事業で約束した内容を実現するための検出器の仕様 3. 検出器仕様を満たす干渉計実現のために直ちにとるべきアクションアイテム 4. 本事業終了までのスケジュール 5. 役割分担 6. その他 June 28, 2010(Mon) 2pm-5pm(JST) at ICRR 6F large conf. room Agenda 1. Report on 3 years funding & total plan of LCGT 2. Detector specification satisfying the requirement of the fund 3. Action items to realize the detector 4. Schedule 5. Organization of manpower 6. Others Files *[[|Grand Plan (Takaaki Kajita)]] (password required) *[[|Fixed geophysical interferometer (Akito Araya)]] *[[|Toward The First Detection (Kazuhiro Hayama)]] (password required) *[[|最先端研究基盤事業 hearing (Takaaki Kajita)]] (password required) * [[LCGT/Meeting/weekly/minute/20100628|Minute (in Japanese)]] == Face to face meeting 2010年6月15日(火)〜6月16日(水) == 場所:東京大学宇宙線研究所柏キャンパス *[[LCGT/Meeting/f2f/2010s|プログラム]] *[[LCGT/Meeting/f2f/2010s/minutes|議事録]] == 第26回 2010年5月10日(月) 午後2時〜5時 == 議題 1. 定例報告 *[[|LIGO近況報告(David Tanner)]] *RSE作業部会報告(安東) *その他 資料 * [[LCGT/Meeting/weekly/minute/20100510|議事録]] == 第25回 2010年4月19日(月) 午後2時〜3時 == 資料 * [[attachment:LCGT/Meeting/weekly/minute/組織図100419.pdf|組織図]] * [[LCGT/Meeting/weekly/minute/20100419|議事録]] == 第24回 2010年4月5日(月) 午後2時〜5時 == 資料 * [[|Installation status of VIRGO+(E. Majorana)]] * [[LCGT/Meeting/weekly/minute/20100405|議事録]] ---- == Past weekly meeting == [[LCGT/Meeting/weekly/2009|Meetings in FY2008, 2009]] <<BR>> ---- [[LCGT|LCGT wiki top]] |
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