= Data Files =
== Latest bLCGT sensitivity curves ==
[[https://granite.phys.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp/trac/LCGT/browser/trunk/sensitivity/spectrum|bLCGT total]] (see the latest version)
== More curves ==
[[attachment:sens110325.zip|bLCGT detail]] (uploaded 2011.3.25)<
[[attachment:data_HalfCool2.zip|Half Cool]] (uploaded 2011.1.31)<
=== Notes ===
* SQL = Standard Quantum Limit<
* QN_BRSE : Quantum noise curve in the BRSE operation with a fixed DC-readout phase<
* QN_BRSEHD : Quantum noise curve in the BRSE operation with the DC-readout phase optimized for NSNS binary inspirals<
* QN_DRSE : Quantum noise curve in the DRSE operation with the detune phase and DC-readout phase optimized for NSNS binary inspirals (default configuration)<
* Half Cool : Operation with 290K Silica ITM and 20K Sapphire ETM (optional)