== To do list to define new parameters == It is important to review past parameters and pick up problems to determine new parameters. Known problems are listed here. ---- * Arm power was defined by sum of both arm powers. It should be a stored power of single arm. * How to determine an exact length of arm, for anti resonance of sidebands? For f1? or f2 * How to determine exact RF frequencies, for HOM of MC2? * Total inject power was defiened by only carrier power. It should be defined by total power including carrier and sidebands. * Do we need pick off ports? Design of 2007 assumed a pick off mirror between PRM and BS. It won't be existing in the new design, but how about pick off for X arm and Y arm? Should we use AR reflections as the pick off? * Redesign of length of MC2 for switching between BRSE and DRSE. * How much power is acceptable for single photo diode? * Determine macroscopic PRC length and SRC length. It is important to provide this information to the vacuum subgroup to determine the vacuum tube length.