Differences between revisions 1 and 27 (spanning 26 versions)
Revision 1 as of 2010-11-24 11:12:26
Size: 3744
Revision 27 as of 2013-07-02 12:41:34
Size: 2622
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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This wiki aims to keep all the documents related to gravitational wave detection in Japan which leads to the future project LCGT and offer some places for their communication. Please feel free to make a new page if you need to discuss something, and upload your document or file to this wiki for the meeting. This wiki aims to offer some community place to discuss topics related to gravitational wave detection in Japan, such as KAGRA or CLIO. Please feel free to edit pages to discuss something, or to make a new page if you need. , and upload your documents or files to this wiki for the discussion or meeting.

Note that wiki can be used as a diary or a document storage but clearly different from them. Please use this wiki page for hot topics among related people. We have the blog pages for daily work of KAGRA subsystems in [[http://gwclio.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/lcgtsubgroup/|KAGRA Subgroup Pages]] and the document storage server in [[http://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/JGWDoc/Welcome.html|JGWDoc]].
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Anybody who is studying about gravitational waves can make an account to write this wiki. Please press the login on the [[http://gw.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/JGWwiki|first page]]. Then するとログインページが開き Anybody who is interested in gravitational wave detection can make an account to write this wiki. Please send e-mail to Osamu (miyakawa_at_icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp, please change _at_ to @) with an account name you hope and e-mail address to be registered. The account name should follow wiki's rule like Firstname''''''Lastname, for example, Albert Einstein will be


with no space.

Normally within one day, you will receive an e-mail that your registration is done. Now you can login from the top of any page of this wiki. After login, you see an "Edit(text)" link at the upper left side in all page and you can edit any page you need.

Wiki grammar is very simple. On the edit page, you will find some simple explanation of wiki grammar.
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 アカウントを持っていない場合、作成することができます。もしくはパスワードをお忘れですか? Here is some knacks;

1. If you want to put a new line, please put one blank line, for examle {{{
new line
}}} makes

new line

and {{{
new line

}}} makes

new line

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という文章が表示されるので、その中の「作成することができます」をクリックして下さい。登録ですが、名前はwikiのルールに従って Firstname''''''Lastname 形式として下さい。例えば栗尾太郎さんなら、スペース無しで















2. If you want to copy and paste with information of original text form like a new line,
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コピー copy
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ペースト paste
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とかくと makes
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If you want to make a new page, please make a link first like;

{{{ *[[LinkName]]}}}


{{{ *[[LinkName|comment]]}}}
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please save the page and press the link, you go to the new page. On this new page, you can edit with "Edit(text)" link.
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== How to upload your file ==
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{{{ *[[リンク名]]}}}
{{{ *[[filename|コメント]]}}}



== ファイルのアップロード ==
If you want to upload a file, please go to the page you want to upload your file, then press the "Attachment" link around the upper middle on that page. Then upload your file by following the instruction. After uploading the file, you have to put a link of uploaded file on the page you are editing now, like;
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というのを文書内にコピー、ペーストして下さい。 The file name is shown after you finish uploading your file.

For new users

Objectives of this wiki

This wiki aims to offer some community place to discuss topics related to gravitational wave detection in Japan, such as KAGRA or CLIO. Please feel free to edit pages to discuss something, or to make a new page if you need. , and upload your documents or files to this wiki for the discussion or meeting.

Note that wiki can be used as a diary or a document storage but clearly different from them. Please use this wiki page for hot topics among related people. We have the blog pages for daily work of KAGRA subsystems in KAGRA Subgroup Pages and the document storage server in JGWDoc.

How to use this wiki

Anybody who is interested in gravitational wave detection can make an account to write this wiki. Please send e-mail to Osamu (miyakawa_at_icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp, please change _at_ to @) with an account name you hope and e-mail address to be registered. The account name should follow wiki's rule like FirstnameLastname, for example, Albert Einstein will be


with no space.

Normally within one day, you will receive an e-mail that your registration is done. Now you can login from the top of any page of this wiki. After login, you see an "Edit(text)" link at the upper left side in all page and you can edit any page you need.

Wiki grammar is very simple. On the edit page, you will find some simple explanation of wiki grammar.

Here is some knacks;

1. If you want to put a new line, please put one blank line, for examle

new line


new line test


new line



new line


2. If you want to copy and paste with information of original text form like a new line,







If you want to make a new page, please make a link first like;




please save the page and press the link, you go to the new page. On this new page, you can edit with "Edit(text)" link.

How to upload your file

If you want to upload a file, please go to the page you want to upload your file, then press the "Attachment" link around the upper middle on that page. Then upload your file by following the instruction. After uploading the file, you have to put a link of uploaded file on the page you are editing now, like;


The file name is shown after you finish uploading your file.

newusersE (last edited 2017-12-22 15:54:02 by OsamuMiyakawa)