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How to upload a document file to JGW Doc

How to Upload a file

1. Access to JGW Document Database

2. Click Reserve Number or Upload Document at the top in the page

3. Enter the Title and Abstract

4. Choose the file

5. Chose the Document Type

6. Chose the Submitter and Authors

7. Chose View

8. Chose Modify

9. Chose Topics

10. Enter Related Documents(if needed)

Please fill in other items properly.

So far, you cannot delete files because of the security reasons even if you upload by mistake. Please contact Dr. Miyakawa when you need to delete the file. He can delete it by using manual. Also, you cannot delete or change the document number once you get. When you get a number by mistake, don't hesitate to get a new one again.

How to Check, Update and Modify files

1. Enter your name on the box of search on the top page (push the above "DocDB Home")

2. Or choose the document you uploaded from the list of "List Recen Changes" above.

3. Click "Create a new version" on the left of the page for updating the document.

4. Go to "Change DB Info" on the left of the page to renew the abstruct or add theh author.

{i} All the pages which were shown here are private pages for uploading. They have "private" after "cgi-bin" of "http://...". People who don't have the right to upload can not see the private pages.

{i} To show the pages to people who don't have the right to upload, tell them the link deleted "private" from the address as follows. Then they will be able to access the page.




  •  * [[|LCGT design document Ver 3.0]]

 [[  ]] に囲まれた部分がリンク先となります。| (縦線)をいれると、|のあとの文書のみが表示され、|以前の部分は表示されません。例えば上の例はJGW番号T0900030のLCGT design documentへのリンクが張られています。docid=30の所の30という番号をT0900030の下の桁の30という番号は一致します。このように書くと常に最新バージョンにリンクが張られます。ある特定のバージョンにリンクを張りたい場合等は

  •  * [[|LCGT design document old version]]



  •  * [[|LCGT design document Ver 3.0]]


Wikiへの書き込み方の例 --会議等の場合--
