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How to upload a document file to JGW Doc

How to Upload a file

1. Access to JGW Document Database

2. Click Reserve Number or Upload Document at the top in the page

3. Enter the Title and Abstract

4. Upload the file

5. Document Type

6. Submitter and Authors

7. View

8. Modify

9. Topics

10. Enter Related Documents (if you have need)

Please fill in other items by your self.

Currently, you cannot delete files because of the security reasons even if you upload by mistake. Please contact Osmau when you need to delete the file by some reason. Also, you cannot delete or change the document number once you get. When you get a number by mistake, don't hesitate to get a new number again.

How to Check, Update and Modify files

1. Put your name in the search box on the top page (click "DocDB Home" on top in any page of JGWDoc)

2. Or select the uploaded document from the list shown if you click "List Recen Changes" on top page .

3. Click "Create a new version" on the left of the page if you want to update your documents.

4. If you have some small change for abstract or adding authors etc. just click Go to "Change DB Info" in the left column on the page.

{i} All the information shown in this page are for private access. They have "private" after "cgi-bin" of "http://...". People who don't have the right to upload can not see the private pages.

{i} In order to show the pages to people who don't have the right to upload, tell them the link deleted "private" from the address above. Then they will be able to access the page.