Installation Notes


Porta is an Ubuntu Server.


We used Bind9. Installed it from apt.

The configuration files are all in /etc/bind.

named.conf.local contains the zone definitions for clio domain.

Actual definitions of the DNS records are given in named.hosts and named.rev. named.hosts define the forward name resolution and named.rev is used for reverse name resolution.

After editing those files, run

/etc/init.d/bind9 restart

Use as the DNS server for CDS computers.


NFS is used to share /cvs/cds/kami directory among the CDS computers.

porta uses nfs-kernel-server, which sounds like faster than the normal NFS, but I'm not sure.

The configuration files are /etc/exports, /etc/hosts.allow and /etc/hosts.deny.

It is important to use the same UID for controls on all the CDS computers. The UID of controls on kami2 is 500. So please assign UID=500 to controls in any new CDS machines.