- Remote participants by eZuce: None
- Report of work (*:responsible person)
- Alignment and Vibration Isolation: *Miyakawa
- Drift by cooling is small.
- Cooling: *Kimura, Suzuki, Yokozawa, Aso, Miyakawa, Miyamoto
- One of the cooled was stopped due to the leak of water. This will be fixed in the next week. It does not affect the schedule of cooling. (Kimura)
- PLC values are fixed. Power cable on the wall once accidentally might be unplugged and plugged, then PC was not turned on. (Aso)
- Some of the temperature channels have been fixed. (Miyakawa, Miyamoto, Yokozawa)
- Alignment and Vibration Isolation: *Miyakawa
- Work plan (*:responsible person)
- Laser hazard: PSL room in the morning. IMM in the afternoon.
- Weekly
- Week of 2/5
- 2/7 Cooling.
- Week of 2/5
- Issues