- Remote participants by eZuce: None
Report of work (*:responsible person)
- ETMX: *Takahashi, Ishizaki, Sato, Okutomi, Tomaru, Takahashi, Ushiba, Miyamoto, Enomoto, Nagano
- Mirror will be aligned with beam today to REFL. But IR and green are not overlapped well.
- Oplev is placed but not calibrated.
- LVDT of BF seems to be something wrong. It could be satellite box.
- BS: *Enomoto, Enzo
- Hightower coil driver and satellite box was replaced. Satellite box was something wrong. Oplev jump disappeared. But still glitch remains.
- Hyper threading should be off.
- BRT: Nagano
- TMS was seen and aligned to QPD.
Work plan (*:responsible person)
- ETMX: *Ushiba, Takahashi
- Beam will be aligned more precisely with aligned IR.
- CAL: *Yamamoto
- CAL model is tested using iMC.
- Camera: Yokozawa
- EX camera takes every one hour. It is necessary 1 sec picture in the weekend.
Laser hazard
- [AM]
- IR: SR2-3 line, Xend 1F, Yend 1F
- Green: PR2, Xend 1F
- [PM]
- IR: SR2-3 line, Xend 1F, Yend 1F
- Green: PR2, Xend 1F
- [night]
- IR: SR2-3 line, Xend 1F, Yend 1F
- Green: PR2, Xend 1F
- week of 3/26
- 3/26 Pcal will start, and all the 1st floor of Y-end will be laser hazard area.
- Connection of cable at ETMX and starting control.
- Rough alignment of ETMX using IR.
- 3/27 EX PD will be removed.: *Yokozawa
- week of 4/2
- ETMY damping.
- Rough alignment of ETMX using IR, and control MICH if can.
- week of 4/9
- Closing EXC
- BS: DAC had some glitches but if DAC is off, no glitch was found.