* Remote participants by eZuce: None
Report of work (*:responsible person)
- IFO: Enomoto, Nagano, Machimura, Takano
- Michelson fringe was seen at the REFL port.
- ETMY is still moving a lot.
- IMC was aligned again. PLS is going lower. Then PR3 was aligned.
- Oplev of EMX was a good reference to align to REFL.
- REFL port has been aligned roughly.
- DGS: Yamamoto
- We have found how to stop/start Dolphin without stopping RT models connected to Dolphin.
Work plan (*:responsible person)
- Camera: Inoue, Yokozawa
- Illuminator will be installed.
- We check that nothing blocks the beam between EXA and EXC.
- DAQ: *Miyakawa
- Recording minute raw date will start again at k1tw0 this morning.
Laser hazard
- [AM]
- IR: PSL, Yend 1F
- Green: off
- [PM]
- IR: PSL, Yend 1F
- Green: off
- [night]
- IR: PSL, Yend 1F
- Green: off
- week of 4/9
- 4/11 12:30 at fan hut: Meeting before pump down 2
- Closing EXC
- Some controls for Michelson