* Remote participants by eZuce: None
Report of work (*:responsible person)
- Phase 1 operation was postponed to 4/28 start and 5/6 end.
- VAC: *Kimura
- Leak was caused wrong positioned O-ring. The shape of O-ring was deformed.
- Pump down started 15:50 yesterday.
- Now vacuum gage shows ~30Pa.
- VAC: *Inoue, Yokozawa
- Vacuum monitor is ready! except for Y arm monitor.
- ETMX: *Hasegawa
- 0.07Hz was damped well!
Yaw and pitch are < 1urad.
- ETMY: *Nakano, Shishido
- Pitch and yaw reached 1urad! Internal mode of payload of 1.6Hz dropped down somehow.
- Possibility of heat link for 1.6Hz still remains.
- Beam at REFL seemed to be OK.
- BS: *Eleonora, Izumi
- Implementation of L2P filter worked well and they are well decoupled now!
- Global injection point for length control is ready.
Work plan (*:responsible person)
- IFO, ETMs, BS: Enomoto, Nakano, Izumi, Hasegawa, Shishido, Eleonora
- Damping, BS L2P, restoring alignment.
- VAC: *Kimura
- Leak test will be performed and the gate valve will open on weekend if no problem.
- Camera: *Inoue, Yokozawa
- Tcam of Y end will be ready today.
- We will have mine works for DMG(*Yamamoto) and leak test(*Kimura, Uchiyama, Saito) at ETMX on Saturday and Sunday.
- DMG needs some maintenance for DAQ.
Laser hazard
- [AM]
- IR: Upstream SR2-3 line, Xend 1F, Yend 1F
- Green: PR2, Xend 1F
- [PM]
- IR: Upstream SR2-3 line, Xend 1F, Yend 1F
- Green: PR2, Xend 1F
- [night]
- IR: Upstream SR2-3 line, Xend 1F, Yend 1F
- Green: PR2, Xend 1F
- week of 4/16
- Michelson control.
- Leak check, and fix leaks.
- Opening the last gate valve weekend.
- week of 4/23
- Michelson control.
- 4/28 Operation start