* Remote participants by eZuce: None
Report of work (*:responsible person)
- IFO: *Izumi, Enomoto + many
- Michelson gardian was implemented. Lock is identified by the REFL and a tripped state of BS.
- Lock lasts typically several of 10 minutes.
- PR2 had a jump caused by a DAC glitch once a day. Sampling rate will be lowered?
- PR3 also had jumps caused by DAC glitches.
- Whitening filter was implemented at demodulated signal of RFPD. Sensitivity will be improved.
- Modulation frequency was tuned to iMC length. Optical gain increased 1.4 times.
Work plan (*:responsible person)
- IFO: *Izumi, Enomoto, Nakano + many
- Measurement without locking morning, measurement with locking in the afternoon.
Laser hazard
- [AM]
- IR: Upstream SR2-3 line, Xend 1F, Yend 1F
- Green: PR2, Xend 1F
- [PM]
- IR: Upstream SR2-3 line, Xend 1F, Yend 1F
- Green: PR2, Xend 1F
- [night]
- IR: Upstream SR2-3 line, Xend 1F, Yend 1F
- Green: PR2, Xend 1F
- week of 4/23
- Michelson control.
- 4/28 Operation start
- PR2 had a jump caused by a DAC glitch once a day. Sampling rate will be lowered?
- PR3 also had jumps caused by DAC glitches.