* Remote participants by eZuce: None * 1st day of Phase 1 operation
- OLG by
Report of work (*:responsible person)
- IFO: *Izumi, Enomoto + many
- ETMY damping filter was back to what was best. Fluctuation is ~1urad.
ETMX damping filter changed a bit. Fluctuation is < 1urad.
- BS alignment noise was improved around 10-30Hz 8 at most.
- Gain bump can be seen around UGF of MICH.
- Lock of the last night was ~1hour. Lock was lost because of L to oplev coupling seems to exist.
- Camera: Yokozawa, Inoue
- IYA camera could not see BS, because some clipping may exist.
- WAB: Akutsu
- Heater off.
- IYC: Tomaru
- Cooler off.
- Operaton:
Operation wiki page is opened.
Work plan (*:responsible person)
- CAL: Yamamoto
- Optical gain measurement
- Open loot TF.
- Amplitude tuning for injection.
- Sensitivity.
- BS to MICH TF, if can.
- IFO: *Izumi, Enomoto + many
- Higher BS oplev gain will be tried today by the gain switch on opec board or the gain setting on whitening board.
Laser hazard
- [AM]
- IR: Upstream SR2-3 line, Xend 1F, Yend 1F
- Green: PR2, Xend 1F
- [PM]
- IR: Upstream SR2-3 line, Xend 1F, Yend 1F
- Green: PR2, Xend 1F
- [night]
- IR: Upstream SR2-3 line, Xend 1F, Yend 1F
- Green: PR2, Xend 1F
- week of 4/23
- Michelson control.
- 4/28 Operation start
- week of 4/30
- Operation continues.