* Remote participants by eZuce: None * 5th day of Phase 1 operation
- Noise injection, CW injection
Report of work (*:responsible person)
- IFO: *Izumi, Enomoto + many
- k1iy0 rebooted since timing was injected on Sunday. However coherence measurement had still problem. Missing digits of diaggui looking at k1iy0 might be a problem, but still the problem is not fixed.
- ETMX TF measurements: Miyamoto, Okutomi
- 2/3 of TFs were measured well. 1/3 will be measured around the last stage of this operation if we have time.
- Vibration isolation ratio was measured and matched to model pretty well.
Work plan (*:responsible person)
- PEM, noise injection: *Nagano, Tanaka, Miyo, Kozu, Hasegawa, Tanioka, Takano, Miyazaki, Kita, Yamamoto, Mori, Kaihotsu, Kurumiya, Ito, Tomaru, Yokozawa
- CW injection
Laser hazard
- [AM]
- IR: Upstream SR2-3 line, Xend 1F, Yend 1F
- Green: PR2, Xend 1F
- [PM]
- IR: Upstream SR2-3 line, Xend 1F, Yend 1F
- Green: PR2, Xend 1F
- [night]
- IR: Upstream SR2-3 line, Xend 1F, Yend 1F
- Green: PR2, Xend 1F
- week of 4/30
- Operation continues.