- Nakano, Enomoto: Some work for Y arm alignment.
Transition from morning work (*:responsible person)
- We have maintenance today.
Report of work (*:responsible person)
- IOO: MC was recovered. Finesse was almost the same as before or slightly.
- VIS: PR2 was almost recovered.
- BS is almost ready.
- AOS: WAB is being installed, needs alignment or something today.
- SR: Measured SR hight was a bit lower than expected.
- CAL: Y end PCal noise was improved drastically by 130dB as the same way of X end. We needs some small modifications for model or something.
- DGS: Maintenance for RFM did not succeed to connect all center and both two ends. Needs investigation today.
- DGS: X end rack maintenance will finish this Friday or beginning of next week.
- VAC: Aluminum foil was removed at Y front. Only simple cover is placed to SR direction.
Work plan (*:responsible person)
- COMM: Alignment will start this afternoon from FI. We need some iteration of alignment and adjustment of OSEM etc. for PRs and BS.