- Current status as of 1/22: IR and Green reached X end PD.
1/22: Surface inspection for PR mirrors. Cleaning will be done after 1/31.
1/23: Surface inspection for SR mirrors.
1/24-25: Cleaning HR of SR3, SRM.
1/23: BS is aligned to Y-end PD by IR.
1/27: ITMY is aligned to REFL by IR.
1/27: ITMX is aligned to REFL by IR.
1/27: Beam position of IR at SR3 is confirmed how far from the center.
1/28-29: SR3 is aligned to SR2 center by IR.
1/28: Alignment of SR2 -> SRM by IR.
1/29: Green beam is injected from SR2 AR surface to Y end PD.
1/31: Removing bellows at PR and SR area.
1/31-2/1: Cleaning HR of PR3 and HR, AR of SR2
2/4-8: SRM -> OMMT by IR -> OMMT -> OSTM by IR, OSTM -> OMC by IR
2/4-8: Alignment of ETMY -> POS by Green
- 2/12-15: Closing door for central area, pumping down
- needs drift monitor for VIS
- Report klog, and gokagra ML if urgent things.
Report of work
- MIR:
- SRM: It seems to be that mirror rotated 180degree.
- It is still not perfectly sure actually SRM was rotated, it could be design itself or mistake of position of something downstream.
- In any case, we need to correct something.
- Type B team will look at probably today and tomorrow.
- COMM: Needs some alignment downstream SRM due to the mystery above.
- IR did not hit SR2 center. It will be checked.
- IOO: For high power test, we could inject less 10W due to saturation of FSS.
- MIR: HR surface of EXMX has some dusts. We should discuss whether we should clean or we should leave it with some information of other test masses.