Minute of KAGRA commissioning meeting
- Date: 2018/6/12 11AM~12PM
- Attendance: Miyakawa, Aso, Yamamoto, Tomura, Enomoto
- eZuce: Izumi, Inoue, Yamamoto(Toyama), Suzuki, Miyoki, Yokozawa, Ohashi, Izumi, Stefan
0. Schedule
- k1ix0 will be needed by September for NAB PD.
ETMX status
- ring on f0 got lower and on the f1 by a few mm.
- f0 TF had no response. Line to coil was cut. It had been repaired before and it was used again.
- It will be fixed around September as 1week work. Whole coil will be replaced.
X arm commissioning/preparation
- WFS target: 10nrad.
Satellite box modification
- 100nF cap will be implemented to avoid an oscillation. It introduce 41Hz pole.
MC realignment
- MC will be re-aligned today.
- BO card was broken and it was replaced.
- BO check card is still connected between BO card and circuit to break ground loop.
PMC installation, circuits, adding offset
- Trying to implement an offset using slow output into EXC.
- Next meeting: 6/19.