2018/12/17 Commissioning meeting topics
- Assignment of staffs for night work
- Readiness for the X arm commissioning.
- Every Wednesday morning: Maintenance; 12/19: Check RFM for ITMs, changing RT PC etc.
- 12/17~: No night work.
- 1/4-6: Removal of first contact of ETMY
- 12/18-19 or 1/4-6: Removal of aluminum foil for WAB at EYC.
- 12/21: laser stop in the morning.
- 12/29,30: line injection.
- 1/6: End of X arm commissioning.
- 1/7~ : Opening EXC chamber.
- 1/7~ : Hight check for VIS systems.
- 1/17~ : Y arm alignment from BS to ETMY using IR beam.
- beam alignment:
- 1/7~: Opening IMC Chamber.
- IMC beam alignment in air: 1/11-14
- IMC lock recover in vacuum: 1/16
- IMC to ETMX: 1/17-21
- BS to ETMY: 1/17-21
- ITMY to REFL: 1/21-22
- ITMY to SRM: 1/22-23
- ITMY to OMC: 1/23-25
- ITMX to OMC: 1/23-25
- POS to ETMY(Green laser): 1/23-24
- ETMY to POS(Green laser): 1/24-25
- ETMX to ITMX: 2/11-22
- 1/7~: Opening IMC Chamber.
- 2/4~ DRMI Y arm commissioning
- 2/18~ Y arm commissioning
- 3/18~ FPMI commissioning
- Time sharing without night work time in the mine, specially CAL, VIS and commissioning.
- 12/18-28: CAL work at EXA
- X commissioning
http://klog.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/osl/?r=7339: noise investigation for ALS X
- Y arm
http://klog.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/osl/?r=7404: Set up for ALSY system
http://klog.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/osl/?r=7348: Drift of the vertical GAS Filter
http://klog.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/osl/?r=7377: PRM, BFLVDT-Glitch
http://klog.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/osl/?r=7389: ETMY, GAS-STM...?
http://klog.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/osl/?r=7395: first version of the inertial damping for the IP of the ITMX
http://klog.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/osl/?r=7406: IP-stage drift and compensation
- Laser, PSL, IOO report
https://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/private/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=9523: Debuggin the scattered light problem.
- Any trouble for updating RCG?