KAGRA Future Working Group (FWG)
- FWG established in Aug 2021 provides a place to discuss new ideas and techniques for future gravitational-wave detectors.
FWG is a working group under the KSC but it is open to anyone who is interested in advanced R&Ds for the gravitational-wave detection.
- We do not use LIGO/Virgo/KAGRA data in any activities that are open to FWG members (wiki, presentations, emails, etc.).
- The FWG activity shall be free from non-scientific constraints.
- The FWG activity will not be counted for the KAGRA authorship.
It is an FWG policy to have no meetings on weekends, holidays, or after 5:30pm.
Open Meetings
- As of 2021.10.8, we have 37 people in the working group.
- If you like to be a member, send an email to organizers (Kentaro Somiya somiya[AT]phys.titech.ac.jp or Yuta Michimura michimura[AT]resceu.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp).