2018/12/10 18:00
- Yuki: Schedule (10 min)
- Y.Takahiro: Software (10min)
Takaaki: Commissioning (10min) pdf
- Chihiro: Debug plan of Xend (Run03; 10min)
U.Takafumi and Yuk: Characterization of Actuator(10min)JGW
- Darkhan and Takahiro Y. prepared the dedicated network switch for the DMT.
- k1bcst0 is connected to DAQ(10Gbps optical fiber), DGS(1Gbps copper) and DMT(1Gbps copper).
- I set that online frames flow on the DMT network, but they have flowed on the DGS network yet. (Problem on DGS side)
- cal-gst is connected to DMT(1Gbps copper), DMG(1Gbps copper) and DMG(10Gbps optical fiber).
- 10Gbps NIC for DMG is not available on cal-gst. (Problem on CAL side)
- After 10Gbps NIC can be activated, one of the 1Gbps copper cable will be connected to DGS network. (cal-gst has only two NIC for 1Gbps.)