- Agenda
- Plans of injection test: Yuki
- Measurement
Duotone injection: Amplify the response ->3.2V
- Sine gauss injection: Matched filtering analysis
- Open loop measurement
- Consistency check (unknown time delay)
- Swept sine: tau_c + tau_a = +29usec
- C00/PCAL: tau_pcal_out + tau_c =+31 usec
- PCAL: tau_pcal_in+ tau_pca_out = -17usec
- Total time delay
Duotone: GPS->PCAL: -39usec+1/960 sec*n, GPS->Err:, GPS->C00: need more SNR, GPS-> mirror: ???
- Sine Gauss: ???
- Measurement
- Comparison b/w C00 and C10: Sawada
- C10 web monitor: Kanda or Tsuchida
- Plans of injection test: Yuki