Step 11: Write channel data to shared memory

   1 pp.mkgeneric(pipeline, mux, "gds_lvshmsink", sync=False, async=False,\
   2              shm_name = options.shared_memory_partition, num_buffers=10,\
   3              blocksize = options.frame_size*frame_duration*frames_per_file,\
   4              buffer_mode = options.buffer_mode)

> kagra-cal/Observation/Phase1/tutorials/shmo --help
Usage: shmo [options]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --cache=cache         Set the name of the LAL cache listing the frame files
                        Set the start time of the segment to analyze in GPS
                        Set the end time of the segment to analyze in GPS
  --ifo=name            Name of the IFO (default= K1)
  --channel=name        Set channel name(s) to extract (default= CAL-
  --format=format       Set input channel(s) format (default= F64LE)
  --ch-rate=rate        Set input channel data rate (default= 16384)
                        Set the number of seconds for each frame. (Default =
  --frame-size=bytes    Approximate size in bytes of frame file images; used
                        when writing to shared memory.  (Default=500000)
                        Set the name of the shared memory partition to write
                        to (default = K1).
  --buffer-mode=number  Set the buffer mode for the lvshmsink element.

> smlist
  id      name        nBuf   lBuf     nTotal
  32  K1                1     70000        32
> smkill K1
> smlist
  id      name        nBuf   lBuf     nTotal

> kagra-cal/Observation/Phase1/tutorials/shmo --cache=k1.cache
GPS:  1209288320 1209288352
seeking GPS start and stop times ...
setting pipeline state to playing ...
set to playing successfully
running pipeline ...
progress_src_CH6 (00:00:01): 1209288352 / 32 seconds (3779026100.0 %)
progress_src_CH7 (00:00:01): 1209288352 / 32 seconds (3779026100.0 %)
progress_src_CH1 (00:00:01): 1209288352 / 32 seconds (3779026100.0 %)
progress_src_CH5 (00:00:01): 1209288352 / 32 seconds (3779026100.0 %)
progress_src_CH4 (00:00:01): 1209288352 / 32 seconds (3779026100.0 %)
progress_src_CH2 (00:00:01): 1209288352 / 32 seconds (3779026100.0 %)
progress_src_CH3 (00:00:01): 1209288352 / 32 seconds (3779026100.0 %)
progress_sink_K1 (00:00:06): 1209288324 seconds
progress_sink_K1 (00:00:12): 1209288336 seconds
progress_sink_K1 (00:00:17): 1209288344 seconds
progress_sink_K1 (00:00:19): 1209288352 / 32 seconds (3779026100.0 %)

> smlist
  id      name        nBuf   lBuf     nTotal
  32  K1                10   2000000        18
smdump K1

            Event Manager Partition - K1

Global Control Data
  version:           1.03
  status:            scavage
  global use count:  3
  global sem id:     4489216
  # buffers:         10
  buffer length:     2000000
  first full buffer: 0
  last full buffer:  6
  first free buffer: 7
  #consumers:        1
  consumer sem id:   4521985   4554754   4587523   4620292
  consumer mask:     1

Buffer Status
 id status reserved seen  use   ldata   link  t-mask   count
  0    1        0      1    0  1663469    1       -1       1
  1    1        0      1    0  1638044    2       -1       1
  2    1        0      1    0  1635658    3       -1       1
  3    1        0      1    0  1677513    4       -1       1
  4    1        0      1    0  1660442    5       -1       1
  5    1        0      1    0  1671079    6       -1       1
  6    1        0      1    0  1626121   -1       -1       1
  7    1        0      0    0        0    8        0       0
  8    1        0      0    0        0    9        0       0
  9    1        0      0    0        0   -1        0       0

Consumer Status
 id  pid  max-bf   trig   #segs   read  flags
  0 14969    0  ffffffff     0        6 wait

> kagra-cal/Observation/Phase1/tutorials/shmi
setting pipeline state to playing ...
set to playing successfully
1209288320.000000000    3.96861363216594e-11
1209288321.000000000    9.805171258259193e-11
1209288322.000000000    -6.216620274113183e-11
1209288323.000000000    -3.847490728792202e-11
1209288324.000000000    -1.028217927467878e-10
1209288325.000000000    7.444918292964786e-11
1209288326.000000000    1.882813627229751e-10
1209288327.000000000    -2.34722963288192e-10
progress_src_input (00:00:06): 1209288328 seconds
1209288328.000000000    3.754893097840384e-12
1209288329.000000000    -1.839911834000674e-10

KAGRA/Subgroups/CAL/GstLAL/tutorials/step11 (last edited 2018-08-21 17:39:32 by SadakazuHaino)