gstlal-calibration installation
- For KAGRA CAL, (at least) three shared system are being prepared where gstlal can run and KAGRA data is accessible
LAL and GstLAL are installed in all the system and GDS will be installed into the Kamioka tunnel system
Development plan of CAL machine and infrastructure for the low-latency h(t) reconstruction
Kamioka tunnel (low latency)
- Scientific Linux 7 (SL7)
- This will be the dedicated server for low-latency h(t) reconstruction
- The selection of the hardware model is on-going
- Prototype machine is being prepared
- Installation of SL7 with "General purpose system"
- Additional RPMs are identified
Installation of LAL suite and GstLAL with RPM at SL7-lscsoft
- A few RPMs (healpy-1.10.3, python-seaborn-0.9.0, gst-python-1.4.0) were prepared by ourselves
Due to the recent update of root-related packages from 6.12 to 6.14 we need to rebuild GDS RPMs from SRPM
- Useful links and documentations
Kamioka surface building
- Red Hat Enterprise 6
- Cluster's overall first priority is given for the DMG data transfer. Thus, some of hosts is not allowed to login/use for non-DMG usage and data traffic should not be overloaded.
- CAL subgroup can use one or two calculation host with first priority.
- This machine can be directly connected to DMG system for the frame file based h(t) reconstruction
- The output files can be transferred with the DMG standard pipeline
- Many libraries have been installed from the source at shared home to have similar environment at Kashiwa Tier-0 center
- Following the DMG policy, access to the shared account is limited with SSH public key only (no shared password)
- If you want to use this machine with the shared user account, please contact DMG chief (for VPN) and S.Haino (for SSH public key)
Kashiwa Tier-0 data center
- CentOS-7 (equivalent to SL7 at LIGO)
- LAL and GstLAL are installed as rpm (should be same as LIGO)
- The priority of CPU usage is given to DAS sub-system for the search pipeline development
- This machine can be used only for offline analysis
- For CAL, it is recommended to use this machine only to test the codes at the similar environment as DAS (and maybe LIGO)
It is known that doesn't work in numpy 1.14 with python 2.7.5 use numpy 1.13 instead
LAL version
- Same version is installed both in Kashiwa and Kamioka
- LAL: 6.18.0 (CLEAN ea18...)
- LALFrame: 1.4.3 (CLEAN 5224...)
- LALMetaIO: 1.3.1 (CLEAN 7619...)
- LALXML: 1.2.4 (CLEAN 5fd4...)
- LALSimulation: 1.7.3 (CLEAN 9eb4...)
- LALBurst: 1.4.4 (CLEAN ceb2...)
- LALInspiral: 1.7.7 (CLEAN a00b...)
- LALPulsar: 1.16.0 (CLEAN b8da...)
- LALInference: 1.9.4 (CLEAN cbb2...)
- LALStochastic: 1.1.20 (CLEAN 983b...)
- LALApps: 6.21.0 (CLEAN ba16...)
GstLAL version
- gstlal-1.3.0
- gstlal-ugly-1.4.1
- gstlal-calibration-1.1.9
- gstlal-inspiral-1.4.2