Differences between revisions 10 and 17 (spanning 7 versions)
Revision 10 as of 2018-06-02 03:59:27
Size: 1865
Revision 17 as of 2018-08-12 23:56:25
Size: 3486
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== Kamioka tunnel (low latency) ==
 * Scientific Linux 7 (SL7)
 * This will be the dedicated server for low-latency h(t) reconstruction
 * The selection of the hardware model is on-going
 * Prototype machine is being prepared
   * Installation of SL7 with "General purpose system"
   * Additional RPMs are identified
   * [[https://wiki.ligo.org/DASWG/LALSuite|Installation of LAL suite]] with RPM at [[http://software.ligo.org/lscsoft/scientific/7/x86_64/production/|SL7-lscsoft]]
   * A few RPMs (healpy-1.10.3, python-seaborn-0.9.0, gst-python-1.4.0) were prepared by ourselves
   * Due to the recent update of [[https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/7/x86_64/Packages/r/|root-related packages]] from 6.12 to 6.14 we need to rebuild GDS rpms from [[http://software.ligo.org/lscsoft/scientific/7/SRPMS/production/gds-2.18.7-1.el7.src.rpm|SRPM]]
 * Useful links and documentations
   * [[https://labcit.ligo.caltech.edu/~jzweizig/dmt/DMTProject/|LIGO DMT project]]
   * [[https://labcit.ligo.caltech.edu/~jzweizig/dmt/DMTProject/DMT-DD.html|LIGO DMT Data Distribution subsystem]]
   * [[https://labcit.ligo.caltech.edu/~jzweizig/dmt/DMTProject/DMT-Hardware.html|LIGO Observatory Hardware configuration]]

== Kamioka surface building ==
 * Red Hat Enterprise 6
 * Cluster's overall first priority is given for the DMG data transfer. Thus, some of hosts is not allowed to login/use for non-DMG usage and data traffic should not be overloaded.
 * CAL subgroup can use one or two calculation host with first priority.
 * This machine can be directly connected to KAGRA online system for the low-latency h(t) pipeline
 * The output files can be transferred with the DMG standard pipeline
 * Many libraries have been installed from the source at shared home to have similar environment at Kashiwa Tier-0 center
 * Following the DMG policy, access to the shared account is limited with SSH public key only (no shared password)
 * If you want to use this machine with the shared user account, please contact DMG chief (for VPN) and S.Haino (for SSH public key)
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== Kamioka surface building ==
 * Red Hat Enterprise 6
 * Many libraries have been installed from the source at shared home to have similar environment at Kashiwa Tier-0 center
 * This machine can be directly connected to KAGRA online system for the low-latency h(t) pipeline
 * The output files can be transferred with the DMG standard pipeline
 * Following the DMG policy, access to the shared account is limited with SSH public key only (no shared password)
 * If you want to use this machine with the shared user account, please contact DMG chief (for VPN) and S.Haino (for SSH public key)
 * It is known that numpy.save doesn't work in numpy 1.14 with python 2.7.5 https://github.com/numpy/numpy/issues/10348 use numpy 1.13 instead

gstlal-calibration installation

  • For KAGRA CAL there are (at least) two shared system where gstlal can run and KAGRA data is accessible
    • Kashiwa Tier-0 data center
    • Kamioka surface building

Kamioka tunnel (low latency)

Kamioka surface building

  • Red Hat Enterprise 6
  • Cluster's overall first priority is given for the DMG data transfer. Thus, some of hosts is not allowed to login/use for non-DMG usage and data traffic should not be overloaded.
  • CAL subgroup can use one or two calculation host with first priority.
  • This machine can be directly connected to KAGRA online system for the low-latency h(t) pipeline
  • The output files can be transferred with the DMG standard pipeline
  • Many libraries have been installed from the source at shared home to have similar environment at Kashiwa Tier-0 center
  • Following the DMG policy, access to the shared account is limited with SSH public key only (no shared password)
  • If you want to use this machine with the shared user account, please contact DMG chief (for VPN) and S.Haino (for SSH public key)

Kashiwa Tier-0 data center

  • CentOS-7 (equivalent to SL7 at LIGO)
  • LAL and GstLAL are installed as rpm (should be same as LIGO)
  • The priority of CPU usage is given to DAS sub-system for the search pipeline development
  • This machine can be used only for offline analysis
  • For CAL, it is recommended to use this machine only to test the codes at the similar environment as DAS (and maybe LIGO)
  • It is known that numpy.save doesn't work in numpy 1.14 with python 2.7.5 https://github.com/numpy/numpy/issues/10348 use numpy 1.13 instead

LAL version

  • Same version is installed both in Kashiwa and Kamioka

  • LAL: 6.18.0 (CLEAN ea18...)
  • LALFrame: 1.4.3 (CLEAN 5224...)
  • LALMetaIO: 1.3.1 (CLEAN 7619...)
  • LALXML: 1.2.4 (CLEAN 5fd4...)
  • LALSimulation: 1.7.3 (CLEAN 9eb4...)
  • LALBurst: 1.4.4 (CLEAN ceb2...)
  • LALInspiral: 1.7.7 (CLEAN a00b...)
  • LALPulsar: 1.16.0 (CLEAN b8da...)
  • LALInference: 1.9.4 (CLEAN cbb2...)
  • LALStochastic: 1.1.20 (CLEAN 983b...)
  • LALApps: 6.21.0 (CLEAN ba16...)

GstLAL version

  • gstlal-1.3.0
  • gstlal-ugly-1.4.1
  • gstlal-calibration-1.1.9
  • gstlal-inspiral-1.4.2

KAGRA/Subgroups/CAL/WG/offline/gstlal (last edited 2018-08-18 11:08:59 by SadakazuHaino)