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* Meeting time: 14:00-15:00 JST/KST on every Thursday * Meeting room: Zoom3 ( ----- === LVK 20190611/0612 (Tue/Wed) === [[/KAGRA/Subgroups/DET/Meeting/LVK0612|Agenda]] === 20190606 (Thu.) === * Agenda * Urgent task for ER with X-arm cavity * Omicron update (Yamamoto) ... Done. * DQ Vector update (Yamamoto). * Glitch visualization (Kozakai) * SummaryPage update (Yokozawa) * Segment file update (Oshino) * Fscan update (Oshino, Yamamoto) === 20190530 (Thu.) === * Agenda * [[|Task list for O3 run and Engineering Run on 8th Jun]] * [[|Data Quality Flags]] * [[|Glitch plot]] === 20190523 (Thu.) === * Agenda * Task list for Engineering Run on 8th Jun. * Trigger based plotting tool [[|ckozakai]] === 20190516 (Thu.) === * Agenda * Comment of JRPC meeting and PAB review. * * [[|Minutes]] === 20190509 (Thu.) === * Skipped due to the PAB review. === 20190502 (Thu.) === * Skipped due to the Japanese holiday. === 20190425 (Thu.) === * Agenda * SDF preparation * DQ flags for data analysis * [[|Minutes]] === 20190418 === * Skipped due to the F2F meeting === 20190411 (Thu.) === * Agenda * SDF flags preparation [[|slide]] * Fscan on SummaryPage * DetChar computers * Tool development [[}|slide]] === 20190404 (Thu.) === * Agenda * IMC run (3/29-3/31, 4/3-4/4) * [[|yamat]] * [[|ckozakai]] * Progress of Kamioka works * hveto * There are some bugs on the latest version of hveto. * Old version of hveto was installed in k1sumX and will be installed in k1det0. * Fscan * Automation of the Scan is already succeeded. * We found a bug in our cache generation system and start to fix this bug. === 20190328 (Thu.) === * Agenda * Progress of Kamioka works * Fscan run on test computer by manually. * For automating and integrating to SummaryPage, we need to generate Segment file in automatically. * We need to consider how to pick up line information and list up it from FScan results. * Automation of hveto on KISTI is succeeded with PMC error signal and PEM channels. * We start to install hveto on hveto@k1sumX. === 20190322 (Fri.) === * --(Zoom3)-- -> Zoom2 ( * Agenda * f2f talk * 1 slot (Status talk -> T. Yamamoto) * DAC satellite [?] * Task list in next week * Sharing the current situation of SummaryPage * Preparing k1det0/1 * Managing SDF for VIS * Installing LIGO's tools and KGWG's tools * Task list of engineering run * Providing glitch information: (t, f, SNR) * Providing line information: (f, df, Amplitude, noise source) * Preparing the information server * hveto and glitch identification (Pil-Jong & Kokeyama) * [[|PMC important channel list]] * [[|Glitch analysis presented in JPS]] === 20190314 === * Skipped due to the JPS meeting === 20190307 === * Agenda * Task list of engineering run on May * Tools and results from KGWG * Summary Page isseus * f2f talk === 20190228 === * Meeting room * Zoom3 ( * Agenda * Magnetic coupling proposal with LV (Jishnu) * Enhancement of SummaryPage * Data sharing between Kamioka, Kashiwa, and KISTI * Young-Min's trip * Slide * [[|yamat]] |
* Meeting time: 11:00-11:30 JST/KST on every Wednesday * Meeting room: Zoom3 <<TableOfContents(3)>> ----- === 20250205 (Wed.) === * Agenda * Announcement * O4b schedule: * '''O4b''': O4b will now end 9 June 2025. * [[|Run plan(1/25 updated)]] [[|operation (1/30)]] * Maintenance/commissioning break from 1 April 2025 at 15:00 UTC to 4 June 2025 at 15:00 UTC * O4 will end on 7 October 2025 at 15:00 UTC * Scheduled conference * LVK meeting: 2024/03/24-27 @Albert Park, Melbourne, Australia * Early bird registration will close at 2025/01/16. * Open Data Workshop 2024/05/12-14 * GWADW 2025: 2024/05/18~5/23 @the Hilton Cocoa Beach (Florida) Oceanfront * Amaldi & GR: 2024/07/14-18 @Scottish Exhibition Centre, Glasgow, UK [[|web]] * ICRC 2025: 2024/07/15-24 @Geneva (Switzerland) [[|web]] * KAGRA site report [[|01/14]] * Evaluation of effort for KAGRA authorship 2024 is underway. * Several visitors at the KAGRA site during January * Next meeting: 2025/02/12 * Progress reports * Upgrade DetChar computers (YamaT) * DQR update (Yuzurihara) * lock loss study in the commissioning (YamaT, Yuzurihara) [[|web]] * Update contents of summary page (Oshino) * Related to segment files (Uchikata, Narikawa) * pyCBC trigger list for O4a data (Narikawa and Uchikata) * provide the CAT1 veto-definer file for IPC glitch (Uchikata) * Minutes * Commissioning * line monitoring (Samurai) * line monitor update: changed the threshold to start the analysis [[|klog]] ----- === 20250129 (Wed.) === * Agenda * Announcement * O4b schedule: * '''O4b''': O4b will now end 9 June 2025. * [[|Run plan(1/25 updated)]] [[|operation (1/23)]] * Maintenance/commissioning break from 1 April 2025 at 15:00 UTC to 4 June 2025 at 15:00 UTC * O4 will end on 7 October 2025 at 15:00 UTC * Scheduled conference * LVK meeting: 2024/03/24-27 @Albert Park, Melbourne, Australia * Early bird registration will close at 2025/01/16. * Open Data Workshop 2024/05/12-14 * GWADW 2025: 2024/05/18~5/23 @the Hilton Cocoa Beach (Florida) Oceanfront * Amaldi & GR: 2024/07/14-18 @Scottish Exhibition Centre, Glasgow, UK [[|web]] * ICRC 2025: 2024/07/15-24 @Geneva (Switzerland) [[|web]] * KAGRA site report [[|01/14]] * Evaluation of effort for KAGRA authorship 2024 is underway. * Several visitors at the KAGRA site during January * Next meeting: 2025/02/05 * Progress reports * Upgrade DetChar computers (YamaT) * DQR update (Yuzurihara) * lock loss study in the commissioning (YamaT, Yuzurihara) [[|web]] * Update contents of summary page (Oshino) * Related to segment files (Uchikata, Narikawa) * pyCBC trigger list for O4a data (Narikawa and Uchikata) * provide the CAT1 veto-definer file for IPC glitch (Uchikata) * Minutes * Commissioning * lockloss investigation: 2024/12/21~12/30 [[|klog]] * lockloss investigation: 2025/01/19~22 [[|klog]] * List of lockloss time from the states related to OBSERVATION [[|klog]] * run summary processes were restarted as ones for O4c. [[|klog]] * The KAGRA's plan to join O4 is still under discussion. * Summary page * Modified the configuration files of DET tools [[|klog]] * Omegascan * Running Omegascan at DetChar cluster [[|klog]] * Is it possible to update the HTcondor version at detchar cluster? * Scattered light noise * [[|slide(1/10)]] [[|slide(1/24)]] * Pastavi * adjusting the number of images, backup of NoiseBudget data, and trend data in plotting multiple channels [[|klog]] * line monitoring (Samurai) * (yamat) It's better to change the definition of the locked data from `K1:GRD-IFO_STATE_N >= 100` to `K1:GRD-LSC_LOCK_STATE_N >= 9900`. * veto definer file (Uchikata) * [[|slide]] * The histogram was updated. * They compared the results by removing T<256s or T<512s. Some short segments are not related to the occurrence of the IPC glitch. ----- === 20250122 (Wed.) === * Agenda * Announcement * O4b schedule: * '''O4b''': O4b will now end 9 June 2025. * [[|Run plan(1/15 updated)]] [[|operation (1/16)]] * Scheduled conference * LVK meeting: 2024/03/24-27 @Albert Park, Melbourne, Australia * Early bird registration will close at 2025/01/16. * Open Data Workshop 2024/05/12-14 * GWADW 2025: 2024/05/18~5/23 @the Hilton Cocoa Beach (Florida) Oceanfront * Amaldi & GR: 2024/07/14-18 @Scottish Exhibition Centre, Glasgow, UK [[|web]] * ICRC 2025: 2024/07/15-24 @Geneva (Switzerland) [[|web]] * KAGRA site report [[|01/14]] * Evaluation of effort for KAGRA authorship 2024 is underway. * Several visitors at the KAGRA site during January * Next meeting: 2025/01/29 * Progress reports * Upgrade DetChar computers (YamaT) * DQR update (Yuzurihara) * lock loss study in the commissioning (YamaT, Yuzurihara) [[|web]] * Update contents of summary page (Oshino) * Related to segment files (Uchikata, Narikawa) * pyCBC trigger list for O4a data (Narikawa and Uchikata) * provide the CAT1 veto-definer file for IPC glitch (Uchikata) * Minutes * Commissioning * lockloss investigation: 2024/12/31 [[|klog]] * lockloss investigation: 2024/12/21~12/30 [[|klog]] * Noise budget plot for the DARM sensitivity in November 2024 [[|klog]] * New DARM sensitivity (2025/01/19) [[|klog]] * Add a duration of staying in the last state to the lockloss list [[|klog]] [[|web]] * Lock duration was added to the lockloss summary page. It’s better to use a rough estimate. * Is it possible to show the truncated value as an integer? --> yes * Summary page * Modified the configuration files of DET tools [[|klog]] * Changed the plotting range of range plots [[|klog]] * The Summary page shows two kinds of inspiral range values, which are values computed by YamaT-san's script and gwsumm. There are some differences due to different configurations. In the future, it's better to clarify the cause of the difference between the two values * Segment file * Update script to generate Segment files for the past data [[|klog]] [[|klog]] * Scattered light noise * Scattered light noise reoprt: ASD of OPTLV channels and 2024.12.13 data [[|klog]] * Noise subtraction of beam jitter noise around 120 Hz * [[|slide]] ----- === 20250115 (Wed.) === * Agenda * Announcement * O4b schedule: * '''O4b''': O4b will now end 9 June 2025. * [[|Run plan(12/15 updated)]] [[|operation (12/19)]] * Scheduled conference * LVK meeting: 2024/03/24-27 @Albert Park, Melbourne, Australia * Early bird registration will close at 2025/01/16. * Open Data Workshop 2024/05/12-14 * GWADW 2025: 2024/05/18~5/23 @the Hilton Cocoa Beach (Florida) Oceanfront * Amaldi & GR: 2024/07/14-18 @Scottish Exhibition Centre, Glasgow, UK [[|web]] * ICRC 2025: 2024/07/15-24 @Geneva (Switzerland) [[|web]] * KAGRA site report [[|12/11]] * Evaluation of effort for KAGRA authorship 2024 is underway. * Several visitors at the KAGRA site during January * Power outage around the KAGRA site --> no impact for KAGRA * Mail server issue, from January 10th, 21:09 to January 11th, 22:56 JST * Next meeting: 2025/01/22 * Progress reports * Upgrade DetChar computers (YamaT) * DQR update (Yuzurihara) * lock loss study in the commissioning (YamaT, Yuzurihara) [[|web]] * Update contents of summary page (Oshino) * Related to segment files (Uchikata, Narikawa) * pyCBC trigger list for O4a data (Narikawa and Uchikata) * provide the CAT1 veto-definer file for IPC glitch (Uchikata) * Minutes * Commissioning support * Line Monitor * Automation of the daily monitor for identifying and fitting the line noise [[|klog]] * Segment file * The segment name of the IPC glitch was changed from `K1-DAQ-IPC_ERROR` to `K1-DAQ_IPC_ERROR`. [[|klog]] * Due to IPC glitch, the locked segment will be devided into short segments. They evaluated the fraction of the short segments. The actual threshold is necessary to be determined in future. [[|slide]] * The current favor is 256 s. When we applied this threshold, we will exclude 1% data from the science mode. We need to collect the requirements of each pipeline. * Noise subtraction pipelines (Chia-Jui Chou) * deepclean (Chia-Jui Chou) * run at kamioka * seqARIMA (David Hui, Sangin Kim) * run at kashiwa * ICA (Kume, Itoh, Yokoyama) * The common goal is to subtract the noise. * it's important to test the long term stability. ----- === 20250108 (Wed.) === * Agenda * Announcement * O4b schedule: * '''O4b''': O4b will now end 9 June 2025. * [[|Run plan(12/15 updated)]] [[|operation (12/19)]] * Scheduled conference * LVK meeting: 2024/03/24-27 @Albert Park, Melbourne, Australia * Early bird registration will close at 2025/01/16. * Open Data Workshop 2024/05/12-14 * GWADW 2025: 2024/05/18~5/23 @the Hilton Cocoa Beach (Florida) Oceanfront * Amaldi & GR: 2024/07/14-18 @Scottish Exhibition Centre, Glasgow, UK [[|web]] * ICRC 2025: 2024/07/15-24 @Geneva (Switzerland) [[|web]] * KAGRA site report [[|12/11]] * For the summary during holidays, see Miyoki-san's mail. * Evaluation of effort for KAGRA authorship 2024 is underway. * Several visiters at KAGRA site during January * Next meeting: 2025/01/15 * Progress reports * Upgrade DetChar computers (YamaT) * DQR update (Yuzurihara) * lock loss study in the commissioning (YamaT, Yuzurihara) [[|web]] * Update contents of summary page (Oshino) * Related to segment files (Uchikata, Narikawa) * pyCBC trigger list for O4a data (Narikawa and Uchikata) * provide the CAT1 veto-definer file for IPC glitch (Uchikata) * Minutes * Commissioning support * Summarize the lockloss count labeled by the SYS_LOCKLOSS guardian [[|klog]] [[|table]] * Categorization by the behavior of POP90 before the lockloss [[|klog]] * Segment file * The segment of `K1-GRD_PEM_EARTHQUAKE` is already available on DQSEGDB. For other new segments will be available at DQSEGDB. ([[|git issue]]) * Name convention issue came up. Plan: `K1-DAQ-IPC_ERROR` --> `K1-DAQ_IPC_ERROR`. Before releasing this segment, we have a chance to change the name. * We need to update other scripts if we change the segment name. Developers or maintainers, please check your code. * It's better to keep the code in the [[|GitHub repository]] up-to-date. Remember to push the code after you modified it or confirmed it's stable. * The line monitor is working well during the holidays. [[|web]] ----- === Past meeting === * [[KAGRA/Subgroups/DET/Meeting/2024|2024]] * [[KAGRA/Subgroups/DET/Meeting/2023|2023]] * [[KAGRA/Subgroups/DET/Meeting/2022|2022]] * [[KAGRA/Subgroups/DET/Meeting/2021|2021]] * [[KAGRA/Subgroups/DET/Meeting/2020|2020]] * [[KAGRA/Subgroups/DET/Meeting/2019|2019]] |
- Meeting time: 11:00-11:30 JST/KST on every Wednesday
- Meeting room: Zoom3
20250205 (Wed.)
- Agenda
- Announcement
- O4b schedule:
O4b: O4b will now end 9 June 2025.
Run plan(1/25 updated) operation (1/30)
- Maintenance/commissioning break from 1 April 2025 at 15:00 UTC to 4 June 2025 at 15:00 UTC
- O4 will end on 7 October 2025 at 15:00 UTC
- Scheduled conference
- LVK meeting: 2024/03/24-27 @Albert Park, Melbourne, Australia
- Early bird registration will close at 2025/01/16.
- Open Data Workshop 2024/05/12-14
- GWADW 2025: 2024/05/18~5/23 @the Hilton Cocoa Beach (Florida) Oceanfront
Amaldi & GR: 2024/07/14-18 @Scottish Exhibition Centre, Glasgow, UK web
ICRC 2025: 2024/07/15-24 @Geneva (Switzerland) web
- LVK meeting: 2024/03/24-27 @Albert Park, Melbourne, Australia
KAGRA site report 01/14
- Evaluation of effort for KAGRA authorship 2024 is underway.
- Several visitors at the KAGRA site during January
- Next meeting: 2025/02/12
- O4b schedule:
- Progress reports
Upgrade DetChar computers (YamaT)
- DQR update (Yuzurihara)
lock loss study in the commissioning (YamaT, Yuzurihara) web
- Update contents of summary page (Oshino)
- Related to segment files (Uchikata, Narikawa)
- pyCBC trigger list for O4a data (Narikawa and Uchikata)
- provide the CAT1 veto-definer file for IPC glitch (Uchikata)
- Announcement
- Minutes
- Commissioning
- line monitoring (Samurai)
line monitor update: changed the threshold to start the analysis klog
20250129 (Wed.)
- Agenda
- Announcement
- O4b schedule:
O4b: O4b will now end 9 June 2025.
Run plan(1/25 updated) operation (1/23)
- Maintenance/commissioning break from 1 April 2025 at 15:00 UTC to 4 June 2025 at 15:00 UTC
- O4 will end on 7 October 2025 at 15:00 UTC
- Scheduled conference
- LVK meeting: 2024/03/24-27 @Albert Park, Melbourne, Australia
- Early bird registration will close at 2025/01/16.
- Open Data Workshop 2024/05/12-14
- GWADW 2025: 2024/05/18~5/23 @the Hilton Cocoa Beach (Florida) Oceanfront
Amaldi & GR: 2024/07/14-18 @Scottish Exhibition Centre, Glasgow, UK web
ICRC 2025: 2024/07/15-24 @Geneva (Switzerland) web
- LVK meeting: 2024/03/24-27 @Albert Park, Melbourne, Australia
KAGRA site report 01/14
- Evaluation of effort for KAGRA authorship 2024 is underway.
- Several visitors at the KAGRA site during January
- Next meeting: 2025/02/05
- O4b schedule:
- Progress reports
Upgrade DetChar computers (YamaT)
- DQR update (Yuzurihara)
lock loss study in the commissioning (YamaT, Yuzurihara) web
- Update contents of summary page (Oshino)
- Related to segment files (Uchikata, Narikawa)
- pyCBC trigger list for O4a data (Narikawa and Uchikata)
- provide the CAT1 veto-definer file for IPC glitch (Uchikata)
- Announcement
- Minutes
- Commissioning
- Summary page
Modified the configuration files of DET tools klog
- Omegascan
- Scattered light noise
- Pastavi
adjusting the number of images, backup of NoiseBudget data, and trend data in plotting multiple channels klog
- line monitoring (Samurai)
(yamat) It's better to change the definition of the locked data from K1:GRD-IFO_STATE_N >= 100 to K1:GRD-LSC_LOCK_STATE_N >= 9900.
- veto definer file (Uchikata)
- The histogram was updated.
They compared the results by removing T<256s or T<512s. Some short segments are not related to the occurrence of the IPC glitch.
20250122 (Wed.)
- Agenda
- Announcement
- O4b schedule:
O4b: O4b will now end 9 June 2025.
- Scheduled conference
- LVK meeting: 2024/03/24-27 @Albert Park, Melbourne, Australia
- Early bird registration will close at 2025/01/16.
- Open Data Workshop 2024/05/12-14
- GWADW 2025: 2024/05/18~5/23 @the Hilton Cocoa Beach (Florida) Oceanfront
Amaldi & GR: 2024/07/14-18 @Scottish Exhibition Centre, Glasgow, UK web
ICRC 2025: 2024/07/15-24 @Geneva (Switzerland) web
- LVK meeting: 2024/03/24-27 @Albert Park, Melbourne, Australia
KAGRA site report 01/14
- Evaluation of effort for KAGRA authorship 2024 is underway.
- Several visitors at the KAGRA site during January
- Next meeting: 2025/01/29
- O4b schedule:
- Progress reports
Upgrade DetChar computers (YamaT)
- DQR update (Yuzurihara)
lock loss study in the commissioning (YamaT, Yuzurihara) web
- Update contents of summary page (Oshino)
- Related to segment files (Uchikata, Narikawa)
- pyCBC trigger list for O4a data (Narikawa and Uchikata)
- provide the CAT1 veto-definer file for IPC glitch (Uchikata)
- Announcement
- Minutes
- Commissioning
lockloss investigation: 2024/12/31 klog
lockloss investigation: 2024/12/21~12/30 klog
Noise budget plot for the DARM sensitivity in November 2024 klog
New DARM sensitivity (2025/01/19) klog
Add a duration of staying in the last state to the lockloss list klog web
- Lock duration was added to the lockloss summary page. It’s better to use a rough estimate.
Is it possible to show the truncated value as an integer? --> yes
- Summary page
Modified the configuration files of DET tools klog
Changed the plotting range of range plots klog
- The Summary page shows two kinds of inspiral range values, which are values computed by YamaT-san's script and gwsumm. There are some differences due to different configurations. In the future, it's better to clarify the cause of the difference between the two values
- Segment file
- Scattered light noise
Scattered light noise reoprt: ASD of OPTLV channels and 2024.12.13 data klog
- Noise subtraction of beam jitter noise around 120 Hz
- Commissioning
20250115 (Wed.)
- Agenda
- Announcement
- O4b schedule:
O4b: O4b will now end 9 June 2025.
- Scheduled conference
- LVK meeting: 2024/03/24-27 @Albert Park, Melbourne, Australia
- Early bird registration will close at 2025/01/16.
- Open Data Workshop 2024/05/12-14
- GWADW 2025: 2024/05/18~5/23 @the Hilton Cocoa Beach (Florida) Oceanfront
Amaldi & GR: 2024/07/14-18 @Scottish Exhibition Centre, Glasgow, UK web
ICRC 2025: 2024/07/15-24 @Geneva (Switzerland) web
- LVK meeting: 2024/03/24-27 @Albert Park, Melbourne, Australia
KAGRA site report 12/11
- Evaluation of effort for KAGRA authorship 2024 is underway.
- Several visitors at the KAGRA site during January
Power outage around the KAGRA site --> no impact for KAGRA
- Mail server issue, from January 10th, 21:09 to January 11th, 22:56 JST
- Next meeting: 2025/01/22
- O4b schedule:
- Progress reports
Upgrade DetChar computers (YamaT)
- DQR update (Yuzurihara)
lock loss study in the commissioning (YamaT, Yuzurihara) web
- Update contents of summary page (Oshino)
- Related to segment files (Uchikata, Narikawa)
- pyCBC trigger list for O4a data (Narikawa and Uchikata)
- provide the CAT1 veto-definer file for IPC glitch (Uchikata)
- Announcement
- Minutes
- Commissioning support
- Line Monitor
Automation of the daily monitor for identifying and fitting the line noise klog
- Segment file
The segment name of the IPC glitch was changed from K1-DAQ-IPC_ERROR to K1-DAQ_IPC_ERROR. klog
Due to IPC glitch, the locked segment will be devided into short segments. They evaluated the fraction of the short segments. The actual threshold is necessary to be determined in future. slide
- The current favor is 256 s. When we applied this threshold, we will exclude 1% data from the science mode. We need to collect the requirements of each pipeline.
- Noise subtraction pipelines (Chia-Jui Chou)
- deepclean (Chia-Jui Chou)
- run at kamioka
- seqARIMA (David Hui, Sangin Kim)
- run at kashiwa
- ICA (Kume, Itoh, Yokoyama)
- The common goal is to subtract the noise.
- it's important to test the long term stability.
- deepclean (Chia-Jui Chou)
20250108 (Wed.)
- Agenda
- Announcement
- O4b schedule:
O4b: O4b will now end 9 June 2025.
- Scheduled conference
- LVK meeting: 2024/03/24-27 @Albert Park, Melbourne, Australia
- Early bird registration will close at 2025/01/16.
- Open Data Workshop 2024/05/12-14
- GWADW 2025: 2024/05/18~5/23 @the Hilton Cocoa Beach (Florida) Oceanfront
Amaldi & GR: 2024/07/14-18 @Scottish Exhibition Centre, Glasgow, UK web
ICRC 2025: 2024/07/15-24 @Geneva (Switzerland) web
- LVK meeting: 2024/03/24-27 @Albert Park, Melbourne, Australia
KAGRA site report 12/11
- For the summary during holidays, see Miyoki-san's mail.
- Evaluation of effort for KAGRA authorship 2024 is underway.
- Several visiters at KAGRA site during January
- Next meeting: 2025/01/15
- O4b schedule:
- Progress reports
Upgrade DetChar computers (YamaT)
- DQR update (Yuzurihara)
lock loss study in the commissioning (YamaT, Yuzurihara) web
- Update contents of summary page (Oshino)
- Related to segment files (Uchikata, Narikawa)
- pyCBC trigger list for O4a data (Narikawa and Uchikata)
- provide the CAT1 veto-definer file for IPC glitch (Uchikata)
- Announcement
- Minutes
- Commissioning support
- Segment file
The segment of K1-GRD_PEM_EARTHQUAKE is already available on DQSEGDB. For other new segments will be available at DQSEGDB. (git issue)
Name convention issue came up. Plan: K1-DAQ-IPC_ERROR --> K1-DAQ_IPC_ERROR. Before releasing this segment, we have a chance to change the name.
- We need to update other scripts if we change the segment name. Developers or maintainers, please check your code.
It's better to keep the code in the GitHub repository up-to-date. Remember to push the code after you modified it or confirmed it's stable.
The line monitor is working well during the holidays. web