KAGRA バイオリンモードについてのスタディ
'Damping and tuning of the fibre violin modes in monolithic silica suspensions' URL
'Violin mode amplitude glitch monitor for the presence of excess noise on the monolithic silica suspensions of GEO 600' URL
'Creep events and creep noise in gravitational-wave interferometers: Basic formalism and stationary limit' URL
'Instrument Science White Paper'(LSC) URL
'Hydroxide-catalysis bonding for stable optical systems for space' URL
'Brownian motion of a mass suspended by an anelastic wire' URL
'Controllable damping of high-Q violin modes in fused silica suspension fibers' URL
'Measurement of excess noise in the suspension fiber for a gravitational wave detector'URL
'Mechanical shot noise induced by creep in suspension devices' URL