How to change model name or DCU number on standalone setpu.

  1. make a new .mdl RT model file using Simlink of Matlab or copy the existing .mdl file under /opt/rtcds/tst/x1/core/advLigoRTS/trunk/src/epics/simLink/. If you want to change druid on an existing model, start matlab on 'desktop1' PC, open the x1x30.mdl, and change dcuid on left top box.
  2. Go RT PC as

    ssh -Y XXX
    (XXX = RT PC host name like standalone)
  3. > cd /opt/rtcds/tst/x1/core/advLigoRTS/trunk
  4. build model as

    > ./dbuild xxx.mdl
    (xxx = model name like x1scx)
  5. Verify no error message
  6. Then modify /etc/rtsystab to put the new model name or change existing model to the new one.
  7. Modify /opt/rtcds/tst/x1/target/fb/master
  8. And /opt/rtcds/tst/x1/target/fb/daqdrc if you changed DUC number.
  9. /opt/rtcds/tst/x1/target/gds/param/testpoint.par should be modified automatically when you build.
  10. define and activate DAQ channels using

    > daqconfig &
  11. kill old model like

    > killyyy

    (yyy = existing old model name like x1x15) and start the new model by typing

    > startxxx

    (xxx = model name like x1scx) on any directly, or just reboot RT PC as

    >sudo reboot