LIGO-KAGRA CDS meeting - 6/21 8am (JST), 6/20 6pm (LLO)
Connection Info
Teamspeak (password protected page. KAGRA wiki account is necessary to view.)
Osamu, Takahiro, Keiko, Oshinosan, Keith, Rolf
- Report on IRIG-B issue and CPU max
presentation file is here.
- Report on k1bcst0
- KAGRA's DMT and DQ Flags
- LIGO's svn?
CPU max
epics channels to store => DAQ flow
general epics channel => normal TCP/IP flow
- RCG 3.1 improves the double traffic
- Also slower than 3GHz CPU is not good
- slot of PCIE card - one stop card matters
- when we put a interface card of the raiser card to closer to mother board card was not good - LIGO: it shouldn't matter
- Priority of riser cards may be necessary (not much related to the current cpu issue)
- epics gateway (machine) may be necessary to collect the epics information and reduce the redundant traffic
- dedicated network from bcst low latency
- not same swich from the control room client machiens'
- 1Gb switch is fine
- not all chans are sent to dmt
- svn web interface changed
- freeze the svn at RCG 3.5 for O3 and move to git
- svn version is updated - Keith will send the info