Dolphin Trouble Shooting

When Dolphin connection must be disabled?

  1. Before front-end computer is rebooted
    • by executing reboot command

    • by executing shutdown -r command

  2. Before front-end computer is shut down (See also How should we boot up)

    • by executing shutdown -h command

    • by shutting down from the Web interface
    • by pressing a power button

*** An exception ***

How to check Dolphin connection is enabled or disabled?

  1. Open MEDM screen: [sitemap] -> [CDS] -> [Dolphin]

  2. Press button labelled "dxadmin"

  3. Enter password
  4. Press "connect"

  5. Press "OK"

*** How to see Dolphin manager interface ***

How to disable Dolphin connection?

  1. Open MEDM screen: [sitemap] -> [CDS] -> [Dolphin]

  2. Press button labelled front-end computer name
  3. Enter password
  4. Wait until displaying the message as "disabled"

How should we boot up

  1. Disconnect Dolphin cable from the front-end computer
  2. Boot up (press power button) the computer
  3. Connect Dolphin cable just after starting PXE boot process

How should we restore when the Dolphin glitch occurs