IOO meeting 2019 0610
Nakano, Kokeyama, Sato, Takahashi (Ryu), Nagano, Uehara, Fujikawa, Ge
- Nakano was approved as the IOO chief.
KIW6 Wuhan 6/21-23
- IOO status talk by Nakano
- MZM talk by Guiguo
- August F2F meeting, Toyama, 8/22-24
TAUP 2019 in Toyama, 9/9-13,
- Nakano and Kokeyama-san will have a talk, but not about the IOO issue
Recent Status
- Engineering run has been done on 6/8.
- KOACH and AC operation need to be fixed.
- will be discussed on the commissioning meeting on 6/11. (Kokeyama-san will summerize it)
RefCav might be better to be evacuated again for the temperature drift.
- Nakano will check the data about the FSS.
- We saw the alignment drift due to the temperature drift.
- Short-term ASC would be worthful.
- IOO manual is missing.
- KOACH and AC operation need to be fixed.
- Laser POW MON (IMC IN) is fixed and working
- Beam shutter driver is modified and works well in PSL
- We need to check the spectrum of IMC TRANS, REFL, and an error signal. And more?
- MZM was removed.
- MZM paper is on-going (2nd-draft was circulated)
- 3rd-draft will be circulated before CPC circulation
- Izumi-san, Michimura-san, and Yamakoh will have a meeting about it in Tokyo before 3rd-circulation.
- measured the asc sensmat with the new position of IP1 isn't good.
- The beam size on each IP need to be the same. We need to re-design.
- However, still it would be good to implement the short-term IP-ASC. It can compensate for the IP drift.
Added on the ToDos for O3
- HPBD thermometer ongoing
- Miyo-kun is testing the read-out circuit.
- On Wednesday, we will have a data on the DGS channel.
- OSTM replacement is on-going
- The mirror will be changed to a thicker one. Matteo is negotiating with a company.
- TAMA-IMC will be used for OSTM suspension, and Takahashi-san is working on it.
- Replacement is scheduled on September.
- IFI chamber optics meeting on 6/10
- IFO-REFL table power adjustment system needs to be designed. MIF will work on it.
- Koyama-kun and Prof Suzuki (Niigata) will visit Kamioka (6/11)
- GG left last week, and come back on end of this month
Next meeting
- The meeting schedule will be changed. Nakano will arrange the new candidate.