Optical Characterization

This page is intended for summarizing the interferometer optical characterization results and discussions. See following pages and documents for iKAGRA and bKAGRA Phase-1 characterization summary:

See following pages for some design parameters

Check also MIR Document and Drawings Tree

RF Sidebands

Input Mode Cleaner

Arm Cavities

Power Recycling Cavity

Signal Recycling Cavity


Dual Recycled Michelson

Power Recycled Fabry-Perot Michelson

Output Mode Cleaner

Sensing Matrix Measurements

Optical Tables

I think we need a power budget here.


IMC REFL (and TRANS): note that BSW11 is used (Ts=~40%, not 50%) https://klog.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/osl/?r=3726

REFL table layout: note that p-pol is coming out from the chamber https://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/private/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=9238

POP table layout (Only cameras for POP s-pol and p-pol?) https://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/private/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=9623

POS table layout (DC PDs for POS s-pol and p-pol) https://klog.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/osl/?r=14622


KAGRA/Subgroups/MIF/OpticalCharacterization (last edited 2021-08-11 16:03:32 by YutaMichimura)