Log of Kamioka Activity during 2020/08/17 ~ 27
- Koyama
- Hirose
- Yuzurihara
- Kokeyama
- If users are not familiar with the finesse manner, the users can perform the finesse simulation without errors.
- By creating a GUI, such errors can be prevented and the reliability of the simulation results can be increased.
* If you are unfamiliar with the simulation operations, there is a possibility that errors may occur in the script description and so on.*/
1. Installation of eel note that: Activate the conda virtual environment. And type the following command To use eel, you need to install a specific browser like "chromium". You can install chromium by typing the following command. 2. Learning HTML and javascript 3. Learning Python 4. Creating a simple GUI with python and HTML.
We use conda. https://anaconda.org/conda-forge/pysimplegui
(Hirose) change the displayed name of PD place(GUI) to something suitable name (nxtrans→netx??) http://gwwiki.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/JGWwiki/LCGT/subgroup/ifo/MIF/OptParam
page of learning Python in Japanesehttps://repository.kulib.kyoto-u.ac.jp/dspace/bitstream/2433/245698/1/Version2020_02_13_01.pdf To share the latest codes, use git Add codes on git repository how to use git and github Change font size(in Japaneses)(p.10 of this site) http://www.k-techlabo.org/www_python/PySimpleGUI.pdf Log (trial to use `eel`)
% conda activate XXXXX
% pip install eel
% sudo apt install -y chromium
Log (trial to use `PySimpleGUI`)
% conda install -c conda-forge pysimplegui
% convert Fabry_Perot_MI_eom_drawing.png -resize 800x600 hoge.png
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