Finesse GUI meeting
Koyama, Hirose, Yuzu, Kokeyama
- First 2-3 days: Preparation for the first version release
- Latter half: collect feedbacks and improve the usability
To do list until the first version release (random order)
- Documentation
- Including simple code validation (comparison with analytical calculation and with other models) as demo examples
- Re-draw the figures
- Packaging
- We will consult with YamaT-san
- how to activate conda environment (.sh script by yuzu)
- where the package can live
- how to set up the path
- to make a symbolic link
- We will consult with YamaT-san
- Add an MEDM button on the sitemap
- Check if it can save as ".kat" extension
- Adjust the pop-up window size
- Advertisement