Weekly PEM meeting
- 2019/6/4(火) 17:00-
- Regular weekly meeting
=== Agenda ===
- General issue
- Task list toward the O3
- Please send e-mail to me if you have comments.
- KIW6
- Figure review in the expand meeting. Please prepare official plot
- Review/practice of the presentation at 18th. Jun 16:00-
- PEM maintenance
- PEM List in Google spread sheet
PEM MAP webpage(Thanks Washimi-san) http://k1sum0/~controls/PEMmap/
- Hardware part was completed, call for volunteer for check of the software part
- SDF (Start some management by SDF)
- English meeting
- We will have a monthly English meeting(Mainly share the information with Virgo people)
- First meeting will be held at 18th Jun.(Tue) 17:00-18:00
- 2nd Expand PEM meeting
preliminary agenda wiki
- Task list toward the O3
- each member progress
- Washimi
- PEM with Virgo :
End station PEMs (X-end) : see http://klog.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/osl/?r=9018. MEDM of EX0 is also updated.
- Power supply
- Kozakai
- Miyo
- Future ground motion ealuation, especially around cryostat.
- TTanaka
- PEM with Virgo
- Microphone calibration
- Kaihotsu, Mori
- Additional measurements
- etc
- Washimi
- github progress