Differences between revisions 3 and 9 (spanning 6 versions)
Revision 3 as of 2021-12-17 08:01:30
Size: 5488
Revision 9 as of 2021-12-17 16:58:12
Size: 5818
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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  * 12/15(水)までにPEM内にてtasklistを作成し、SEOにあげる   * 12/15(水)までにPEM内にてtasklistを作成し、SEOにあげる-> SEO check now
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  * VK PEM meeting
   * 2021/12/23(Thu) 19:00-
    * ICA and KAGRA status
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    * 鷲見(Noise budget, [[https://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/private/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=13555|JGW-G2213555]])
Line 44: Line 48:
    * 鷲見(Noise budget, [[https://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/private/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=13473|JGW-G2213473]])
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  * GWPAW Hannover, Germany, Dec 14th-17th, 2021
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     * No plan      * Washimi (Tokyo, New year)
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  * Acceptance check for closing the chamber
   * Acceptance check meeting today
    * Report :
   * Suspension health check for IX, EX, PR3, PR2 (IMMT1/2)
   * Oplev Check for IX, EX, PR3, PR2 (IMMT1/2)
   * CAL
   * Tcam
   * TMSX optical system
   * Baffle PDs
   * Baffles
   * Vacuum system
   * Vacuum tank cleaning/ lost items
   * Cryo-system
   * Optics and stray light check in POP/REFL/IMCREFL/MCE tables
  * Acceptance check for closing the chamber : Discussed
  * Closed the EX area and stared the pumping down 0.05 Pa this morning
  * PR2 trouble; Trouble of rotating part
   * If all repairing work well, we can recover next Wednesday
  * After green lock recovery, we will start pumping down at IX
Line 81: Line 77:
   * Many people visit Kamioka next week
   * IR alignment after IMM
   * REFL table setting using reflecting beam from ITMX
   * Oplev beam path
   * TMSY table windshield
   * Many people visit Kamioka this week
   * IR alignment after IMM : IR beam reached PR3
   * REFL table setting using reflecting beam from ITMX : Not completed, after recovery of PR2
   * Oplev beam path : Done
   * TMSY table windshield : Done
   * Each optical table check : Done
   * Beam profiling : Done
Line 104: Line 102:
    * Specialist review (Dead line : Nov. 15)     * Collaborator circulation (since F2F)

  * Invited review paper (Washimi+) [[https://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/private/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=13549|JGW-P2113549]]
Line 168: Line 169:
    * [[https://klog.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/osl/?r=19146]]
    * [[https://gwdet.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/~controls/slowmonitor/Sound/]]

Weekly PEM meeting

Task list for authorship

  • Task list for authorship

  • Task list 2021/01 - 2021/12

  • Current version of PEM task list authorlisttasklist_PEM_211210.pdf

    • PEM installation
    • PEM performance check
    • New PEM investigation
    • PEM management
    • PEM monitoring
    • Alert system using PEM
    • PEM injection
    • PEM study
    • PEM group management
  • If you have a bottom-up task, please contact to Yokozawa
  • Schedule
    • 12/15(水)までにPEM内にてtasklistを作成し、SEOにあげる-> SEO check now

    • その後年明けぐらい(?)にcollaboratorにtasklistが回るので1/26までにcontribution planを登録する
    • 2/23までにそれぞれの登録がapproveかどうかの判断が行われる
    • 3/31までに最終的な2021年のauthor listが作成される

Meeting and Conference issue

  • VK PEM meeting
    • 2021/12/23(Thu) 19:00-
      • ICA and KAGRA status
    • 12/20,21 @ Online
    • Program URL

      • SEO(2) Kume : Latest result of ICA noise subtraction
      • Future Yokozawa : Middle frequency noise, Kume : Noise subtraction of acoustic noise
      • Poster Yokozawa and Hoshino
  • 新学術領域「地下宇宙」第8回超新星ニュートリノ研究会 http://www.lowbg.org/ugap/ws/sn2022/index.html

    • 2022年1月6日(木)、7日(金) @ 早稲田+オンライン
    • 講演申込締切:2021年12月6日(月)
    • 参加申込締切:2022年 1月 5日(水)
  • JPS meeting URL

    • 2022年3月15日(火)~3月19日(土)@ 岡山大学
      • 登壇登録 : 11月16日 ~ 12月2日
      • 横澤(Overview)、鈴木(NN)、粂(non-linear ICA)、小林(O3GK ICA)
      • 鷲見(Noise budget, JGW-G2213473)

  • Other meetings url

If you have some presentation about PEM related, please contact to me.

Business travel

  • Depending on the situation of COVID-19
    • To Kamioka
      • No plan
    • From Kamioka
      • Washimi (Tokyo, New year)

General issue

  • Procedure toward X arm commissioning
    • Acceptance check for closing the chamber : Discussed
    • Closed the EX area and stared the pumping down 0.05 Pa this morning
    • PR2 trouble; Trouble of rotating part
      • If all repairing work well, we can recover next Wednesday
    • After green lock recovery, we will start pumping down at IX
    • IO commissioning
      • IMC ASC
      • Power budget
    • IR alignment
      • Many people visit Kamioka this week
      • IR alignment after IMM : IR beam reached PR3
      • REFL table setting using reflecting beam from ITMX : Not completed, after recovery of PR2
      • Oplev beam path : Done
      • TMSY table windshield : Done
      • Each optical table check : Done
      • Beam profiling : Done
    • Mid size baffle installation
      • After IR alignment
    • Y arm commissioning
      • SR's suspension commissioning
      • Green Y alignment
      • Oplev preparation
  • Schedule
  • PEM schedule
    • Re-installation of PEMs toward O4

Jurnal paper issue

Details are here!

  • PTEP (2) : noise budget(K.Yamamoto, Kokeyama, Washimi) JGW-P2113405

    • Collaborator circulation (since F2F)
  • Invited review paper (Washimi+) JGW-P2113549

  • Acoustic reverberation time paper (Washimi+)
    • Washimi will write in the New Year holidays
  • ICA for E-run/O3GK (Kume, Yokoyama)
  • Portable PEMs (Yokozawa+) <<Start writing>>

Preparation for O4

  • New oplev noise budget
    • IX
    • Main work : December
    • Prepare to set the PEMs
      • Electrical box
      • Accelerometers
      • Seismometer (Move from BS)
      • Magnetometer
      • Microphone
      • PEM injection
  • New PEM
    • PSL room with Cryocon
    • TEAC710
    • 電界計 (EFM; electric field mill)
    • ACO power supply with low frequency
  • Magnetmeters for the Schumann resonance
    • Discussing with technicians (AEL, FCL)
  • PEM injection
    • Low-frequency sound injectorklog16829

    • Acoustic injection at X/Y-end
    • Magnetic injection
  • After O4
    • RF monitor with mokugo
    • Tiltmeter
    • RI detector
    • Newtonian noise
  • Discussion with DET members
    • Daily summary page PEM

Progress report

  • Yuzurihara
    • Pastavi
    • Data Quality Report
  • Suzuki
    • Water simulation
  • Hoshino
    • Seismic motion analysis
  • Investigation of ICA analysis
    • Progress
  • Nishizawa
    • Magnetic field analysis
  • Washimi
    • Sound monotor
  • Yokozawa
    • IX oplev noise budget
  • Seismic motion analysis
    • O3GK
    • Microseismic
    • Long term

Place for memo

KAGRA/Subgroups/PEM/Meeting/211217/Agenda (last edited 2021-12-17 16:58:12 by tatsuki.washimi)