Size: 4853
Size: 4757
Deletions are marked like this. | Additions are marked like this. |
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* 4 weeks run it will finish 21st June 8:00(JST) | * 4 weeks run has been finished on 21st June 8:00(JST) |
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* Kiban S application * 高精度レーザーひずみ計観測網の広域展開による地殻活動の時空間マルチスケール観測 * Yokozawa and Washimi would be co-investigator, about KAGRA environment and strain-mater |
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* ICRC 2023 [[|url ]] | * ICRC 2023 [[|url ]] 7/26 - 8/3 |
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* Washimi will present about Schumann resonance and SGWB | * Washimi will present about Schumann resonance and SGWB (oral) |
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* Submit to CQG soon | * Submited to CQG |
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* [[]] | |
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* Acoustic reverberation time paper (Washimi+) | * Acoustic reverberation time paper (Washimi+, Sato?) |
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* Overlap reduction function for Schumann resonance | * Schumann resonance study [[|JGW-G2315046]] |
Weekly PEM meeting
- 2023/06/23(Fri) 17:00-
- Regular meeting
Zoom2 :
General announcement
- O4a run finished successfully
- 4 weeks run has been finished on 21st June 8:00(JST)
- CAL/DET week now
- KAGRA visiting plan
- If you want to visit Kamioka, please contact to Yokozawa
Meeting and Conference issue
ICRC 2023 url 7/26 - 8/3
- Nagoya
- Yokozawa will present about KAGRA PEM (oral)
- Washimi will present about Schumann resonance and SGWB (oral)
- LVK meeting at Toyama
- 11-14 September 2023
- F2F meeting during this meeting(?)
- JPS meeting (Tohoku U)
- 16-19 September 2023
- Presentation about PEM
- Yokozawa (Status)
- Washimi (Noise hunting)
- Hoshino (Seismic forecast)
Other meetings url
If you have some presentation about PEM related, please contact to me.
Business travel
- Depending on the situation of COVID-19
- To Kamioka
- Hoshino(planned)
- From Kamioka
- No
General issue
- Status
Sensitivity 1.1~1.4 Mpc latest
Summary url
- CAL/DET week
- Calibration measurement done : No significant change from previous measurement
- Some additional measurement toward O4b Saturday
- Noise budget measurement
- Interferometer (MICH, PRCL, ISS, CARM, ...)
- Suspensions
- PEMs
- etc.
- IPC glitch
- The rate didn't change
- Need to investigate the reason
- Lock loss investigation
- Ongoing
- Schedule after O4a
- CAL/DET week (1 week)
- Calibration measurement
- Remaining measurement for O4a
- Switch to high power laser (1-2 week)
- Check the sensitivity
- Turned off and on the cryocooler (1 week)
- Same timing with switch high power laser
- IX, IY, EY. Not perform EX
- Open the OMC chamber (1 week)
- Set the geophone inside the chamber and evaluate the vibration
- Treatment the ghost beam
- Commissioning toward 10 Mpc
- CAL/DET week (1 week)
出張PEM injection (planning form)
Jurnal paper issue
- Micro seismic analysis (Hoshino)
- Submited to CQG
- Acoustic reverberation time paper (Washimi+, Sato?)
- Suspend
- Re-measurement before O4?
- Tonga GIF paper
- Published
- TCam paper
- Writing ongoing
Preparation for O4
- Check the seismic motion around mozumi area
- Daytime ground motion
- It may appeared in DARM sensitivity (SR3?)
- Schumann resonance measurement
- Ongoing
- Acoustic injection post O4a
Portable PEM reinstallation klog25673
- PSL room
- Next week?
- Prepared today
- SR3
- If we have a time
- other area?
- Any idea?
- Investigation of the PEM injection
- Magnetic injection
- After O4a?
- Magnetic injection
- Voltmeter preparation
- AC power monitor installation
- DC power monitor installation
- After O4
- RF monitor with mokugo
- Tiltmeter
- RI detector
- Newtonian noise
- Discussion with DET members
- Daily summary page PEM
Progress report
- Yuzurihara
- Pastavi
Data Quality Report slide
- Data quality evaluation
- Hoshino
- Seismic motion analysis
- Sato
- Sound source analysid
- Miyamoto
- Weather analysis
- Takatani
- Applying the deepclean
- Calculation of Schumann resonance
- Kume
PR3 line injection klog25670
- Noise subtraction
- Nishizawa
- Water newtonian noise
- Magnetic field analysis
- Washimi
Schumann resonance study JGW-G2315046
- Yokozawa
- Lock loss study O4a
- Preparing for the acoustic injection in both end