KAGRA VIS Operations Manual - vistools.py

vistools.py is a Python module and command-line utility for manipulating the suspensions. It lives in /opt/rtcds/userapps/release/vis/k1/scripts (although it may get moved to /opt/rtcds/userapps/release/vis/common/scripts and there is a symlink to it in /opt/rtcds/userapps/release/vis/k1/guardian. Nearby there may be a test version vistoolstest.py.

vistools.py usage modes

vistools.py has three modes of use:

vistools.py as a Python module

vistools.py is primarily an ordinary Python module which provides the class Vis. Each instance of Vis represents a single suspension and can be created with any of the following forms:

BS = vistools.Vis('BS') # an Ezca instance with prefix 'K1:' is created internally
BS = vistools.Vis('VIS-BS') # channel name prefix style
BS = vistools.Vis('VIS_BS') # Guardian file name style
BS = vistools.Vis(('BS',ezca)) # ezca should be an existing ezca.Ezca instance with prefix 'K1:'; 'BS' can be 'VIS-BS' or 'VIS_BS'

A Vis object has a large number of methods which are mostly organized and named by blocks of filters of the same function (e.g., DAMP) at different levels of the suspension:

BS.masterSwitchWrite('ON') # turns the master switch on
BS.dampGainWrite(1.0) # sets all gain values in all DAMP blocks to 1.0. 
BS.dampGainWrite(1.0,levels=['IP']) # sets all gain values in the IP DAMP block to 1.0.  
BS.dampGainWrite(1.0,levels=['IP'],chans=['L','T']) # sets the gain values for the L and T channels of the IP DAMP block to 1.0 

Do dir(vistools.Vis) for a complete listing and help(vistools.Vis.methodName) for more details on individual methods. A typical signature is dampGainWrite([self,] value, levels=[], chans=[], verbose=False, pair='none', withprefix='bare', matlab=False, dorw=2). The arguments are as follows:

Not all methods are implemented for every block (feel free to add more based on existing patterns) but DAMP has a complete set which illustrate the naming scheme for filter block commands:

Similarly, OSEM2EUL has a complete set for matrix blocks:

vistools.py from within Guardian

The usage from within Guardian is a bit complicated. According to some versions of the Guardian documentation, there is supposed to be a global Ezca instance called ezca which can be used for channel access. And according to some versions of the documentation, it is supposed to have prefix K1:VIS_BS_ or the like (which gets prepended to channel name fragments passed to it). If you run the Guardian in interactive mode, e.g.,

guardian -i VIS_BS

then there is indeed a global ezca object, but it has prefix just K1:, so the appropriate setup is


However the environment seen by an actual Guardian script is different again: the Ezca object is not global but only available within the GuardState classes that define states. Worse, creating a second one at global scope causes channel access errors. Therefore, the initialization of vistools.py has to be done inside a state definition. The solution used by the Type B Guardian extends the decorator watchdog_check to also check whether the Vis object has been initialized and do it if necessary:

visObj = None

def checkvis():
    global visObj
    if visObj == None:
        visObj = vistools.Vis((SYSTEM,ezca))

class watchdog_check(GuardStateDecorator):
    """Decorator to check watchdog"""
    def pre_exec(self):
        global visObj
        if visObj.trippedWds()!=[] or visObj.trippedBioWds()!=[]:
            return 'TRIPPED'
# ...
class SAFE(GuardState):
    index = 30
    def main(self):
        global visObj
        notify('In SAFE')

vistools.py as a command-line utility

vistools.py Internal Organization

vistools.py uses two large nested dictionary structures, visTypes and visData to define what groups of channels are available. A typical entry in visTypes specifies a particular suspension (e.g., BS) in terms of a generic type (e.g., 'TYPEB') plus watchdog and BIO information:

visTypes = {
    ('K1','BS') : {'type': 'TYPEB', 'watchdogs': typebwd, 'bio' : typebbio},


typebwd = {'IOP':'DACKILL','IP':'IP_WDMON', 'F0':'F0_WDMON','F1':'F1_WDMON','BF':'BF_WDMON', 'IM':'IM_WDMON','TM':'TM_WDMON'}

Then, a typical entry in visData specifies a generic suspension type, which is further structured by level ('IP', 'F0', 'F1' etc).

visData = {
    'master' : 'MASTERSWITCH', # a switch not associated with any particular level
    'commissioning' : 'COMMISH_STATUS', # another global switch
    'levelorder': ['IP','F0','F1','BF','SF','IM','TM'], # define a standard level ordering - Python dictionaries don't preserve order
    'levels' : { # define the various levels in the suspension
        'IM':{ # define the intermediate mass level
            'dofs' : ['L', 'T', 'V', 'R', 'P', 'Y'], # a list of related channels
            'isichans' : ['X', 'Y', 'RZ', 'Z', 'RX', 'RY'], # another list of related channels
            'cart2eul' : { # a cdsMuxMatrix block
                'blockname':'CART2EUL', # the Simulink block name, used for constructing channel names
                'inames':'isichans', # input channels; reference to the list defined above
                'onames':'dofs', # output channels; reference to the list defined above
                'default':[...] # default values for matrix elements

vistools.py Style Guide

vistools.py should have groups of 4 spaces for indentation. To select this in gedit, select Automatic Indentation off, Tab Width 4, Use Spaces on in the Tab Width menu in the lower window frame:<<br>> attachment:Gedit Setup.png