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VIS Meeting on 2016/2/26
2015/2/26 13:30 -
Kamioka NAOJ Room & SeeVogh
Schedule status (Aso) (Chart)
- PR3 Installation Status
Plan for the next week
- Mon: Suspenion control tuning
- Tue: Suspenion control tuning
- Wed: Suspenion control tuning
Thu:Suspenion control tuning
- Fri: Suspenion control tuning
iKAGRA ETM suspension
- Current status (Ohishi)
Travel Plans
- Travel (Week of 2/29)
- Takahashi:
- Shoda:
- Mark:
- Fabian:
- Okutomi:
- Fujii:
- Ishizaki:
- Hirata:
- Ohishi:
- Travel (Week of 3/7)
- Takahashi:
- Shoda:
- Mark:
- Fabian:
- Okutomi:
- Fujii:
- Ishizaki:
- Hirata:
- Ohishi:
Other Mechanical Issues
- #OSEM assembly status (Akutsu)
- #Missing items(to be purchased soon)
#Traverser motor driver (Shoda) -> Will discuss Uraguchi-san. Need a box for stepping motor driver. -> These are for PR2. Will be ordered sometime.
- What are necessary in the next few weeks ?
- Nothing
- Watch dog system (Tanaka)
- Need to make Guradian script for PR3. Shoda + Fujii and Okutomi will write one after the mechanical installation is finished.
- #Electronics diagram and review
Mark: detailed schematics nearly ready to post - D1503615 (full PR3), D1604795 (iKAGRA PR3)
Mark: started overview schematic diagram,
bKAGRA preparation
- Three big categories of the tasks
- Type-A: Leader = Takahashi
- Type-B (BS and SRC): Leader = Mark
- Type-Bp modification: Leader = Shoda
Common Issues
Task listKAGRA/Subgroups/VIS/TypeB/TaskList
- Kick off meeting within February (Mark)
- BS prism preparation (Mark)
- Second company that did LIGO groove cutting not interested in quoting - exploring other US companies.
- Should contact Shinko-sha again (Takahashi)
- 260KJPY for two. Lead time = 1.5month
- Can we make SR wire breakers bigger ?
Check what happens if we widen the slit by 3.75mm and make a new M5 (Hirata) -> Result
- Two concerns
- The rework may bend the wing shaped parts.
- The P.C.D. of the new screw holes may not coincide exactly with the other existing holes
- Consult with Fukushima-san again. Takahashi will contact Fukushima-san
- 型振り放電加工機 may be better
- Will test machine the dirty recoil mass. Will have another meeting with Fukushima-san (Takahashi)
Do we need to widen the slits for PRC RMs ? -> Depends on how difficult it is to rework the RM.
- Two concerns
- Flag design (Mark)
- Make shorter by small changes
- Widen the OSEM opening (Akutsu)
- BS dummy optics design (Fabian)
- Finalizing the design by the end of next week
IP base clamp (Fabian): Reduce the number of clamps-> Hirata-san finished 2D drawings. Trying to get quotation now.-> Still waiting for the quotation.
- Bread board spring (Takahashi): Hirata-san is getting quotations.Asked quotation with the above one all at once.
- Issue with adjustment screws on lower optical bench (bench can only be adjusted down from nominal due to lack of holes in bench below new position of screws holding wires)
- #BS Assembly Frame Design (Aso, Hirata)
- #BS gluing jigs (Tatsumi)
- #Not enough crane height problem (Hirata, Saito)
- #BS clean bag (Aso)
Type A
Task list (Takahashi)
- #Type-A Filters Optimal Load Measurements
#Takahashi will make a plan for the optimal load check and ask ATC.-> Check two filters per month from April 2016. -> Will be presented to the ATC steering committee.
- #How to manufacture the long maraging wires ?
- One prototype was machined by Ojima
Aoshima can do the heat treatment for the long rod. Will ask them soon (Takahashi) -> Still waiting for a quotation.
- How to test it ?
- We can use the prototype assembly frame in TAMA.
Type-Bp modification
- PR2 Wire breaker problem
- Prism removal from PR2 (Hirose, Mark)
- We need to send the spare mirror and the containers back to Kashiwa soon.
- Bring back to Mitaka on 2/26.
Bring back CLIO suspension too (Takahashi) -> Not this time
- We need to send the spare mirror and the containers back to Kashiwa soon.
- Prism removal from PR2 (Hirose, Mark)
- Safety
- #GAS blade inspection by Virgo (Takahashi)
- Shipped the blades. Will get results in 1-2 months.
Next meeting
2015/3/4 (Fri) 13:30 -
Next F2F 2016/4/1