Differences between revisions 1 and 14 (spanning 13 versions)
Revision 1 as of 2016-07-20 16:59:33
Size: 6389
Editor: YoichiAso
Revision 14 as of 2016-07-22 13:22:34
Size: 4915
Editor: MarkBarton
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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## page was renamed from KAGRA/Subgroups/VIS/VISMinutes20160720
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 * Simulation (Okutomi)
  * Translation mode is damped by F0 control. Yaw mode is damped by BF control. The mode with node at BF is not damped well.
 * Size of LVDT for BF damping will be decided after checking the sample from VIRGO.
 * Large amount of torsion drift would be compensated by motor rotation on the top filter.
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  * Fabian took photos of the cleanroom in the ATC to help decide whether it is a good place to assemble PIs for Type A/B.
  * Hirata-san ordered and received wire for the BS and RM (will be cleaned 7/19).
  * Hirata-san received remachined locking parts for the IM (will be cleaned 7/19).
  * Hirata-san ordered additional Misumi parts to be used with the IM locking parts.
  * Fabian and Hirata-san weighed the masses that they've been constructing in the cleanroom and found a 600 g discrepancy from the Inventor (too light) for the IM. Although the density assumed in the Inventor agrees with spec sheet values, it doesn't match the parts. Adjusting the density to match a few key parts reduces the discrepancy to 60 g. More investigation is planned.
  * Hirata-san ordered a medium-capacity scale to weigh the individual parts more precisely and help locate the discrepancy.
  * Hirata-san organized to do a fit/function test of the BS winches and training session with Ikenoue-san of ATC on 7/25. Unfortunately, Ikenoue-san later advised that they clamp parts should be redesigned to allow for the changed wire diameters.
  * Hirose-san and his team successfully removed the misglued prisms from the dummy BS.
  * Fabian travelled to Kashiwa and removed most of the glue from the face of the dummy BS (where the flags had been). There is still some adhesive remaining on both the face and barrel, which will require more work in a second trip.
  * Shoda-san took a suitable segment of geophone noise data for analysis. Fabian will track down the calibration factors.
  * Hirata-san worked on 2D drawings for the PI cable clamps and the magnetic damper for the lower breadboard.
  * Hirata-san worked on the 3D assembly for SR2.
  * Hirata-san wiped one set each of wires for the BS and RM (additional sets pending).
  * Hirata-san washed remachined locking parts for the IM and screws for jacks.
  * Hirata-san liaised with Ikenoue-san of ATC to get new winch parts designed for the new wire thicknesses. Ikenoue-san provided updated designs for checking.
  * Hirata-san worked on the Inventor 3D assembly of the SR2.
  * The scale for checking the masses of the IM parts arrived.
  * Fabian and Hirata-san assembled the IRM and identified an issue with the Teflon-coated lock screws between the IM and IRM. The screws were slightly too large, and correcting the size with a die caused large flakes of the black coating to come off. (These screws were ordered before the current screw policy was instituted.) Hirata-san will order SDC-coated screws from Misumi and have additional machining done on them.
  * Fabian tracked down the calibration factors for the geophones and generated a calibrated [[attachment:Geophone_Kamioka.png|plot]].
Line 32: Line 26:
   * Akutsu-san is working to get wide-mouth OSEMs
  * Longer cables for BF->PI and SF->PI.
   * Connectors
RECEIVED, cables being made.
   * Akutsu-san is working to get wide-mouth OSEMs ([[http://klog.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/osl/?r=1853|2 assembled]]; first 4 expected to be assembled and washed by 8/8)
  * Longer cables for BF->PI and SF->PI ORDERED.
Line 42: Line 35:
  * Apply grease to jacks for assembly frame (Takahashi) - DONE
  * Finish assembly of BS IM, RM and IRM (Fabian) - DONE
Line 48: Line 39:
  * Remove prism from dummy BS (Hirose, Fabian?) - DONE
Line 50: Line 40:
  * Buy wire for BS and RM (Hirata) - DONE
  * Clean wire for BS and RM (Hirata) - 7/19
  * Clean wire for BS and RM (Hirata) - DONE
  * Get new winch parts for new wire diameters - design received from Ikenoue-san
Line 53: Line 43:
   *'''Clamp parts are not fit the new wire diameter. Hirata will ask Ikenoue-san to make new parts.'''
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  * Do Inventor assembly for SR2 in chamber and on assembly frame (Hirata) - just started.   * Do Inventor assembly for SR2 in chamber and on assembly frame (Hirata) - ONGOING.
Line 68: Line 57:
 * Type-Bp modification 3D drawings
  * Checked the mass
  * Roughly checked the distorsion (in order to check if there is a possibility to increase the weight on the BF)
 * F7 LVDT
  * Our design will be fixed with the current Virgo design. We will make some adapters to mount the new design LVDT.
  * Virgo will send us the information of the coil specification (Not yet recieved).
  * Type-A team will decide the design of our LVDTs.
  * '''Make schedule to product the coils with Type-A team'''
 * Installation related issues
  * Talked with Mirapro. Recieved the first virsion of the assembly frame.
   Because of the poor accesibility, I asked the update.
 * Simulation
  * The information from iKAGRA PR3 is being summarized: [[http://gwdoc.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/cgi-bin/private/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=5382|JGWdoc]]
 * Basic Design Review [[http://gwwiki.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/JGWwiki/KAGRA/Subgroups/VIS/TypeBp/meeting160721|minute]]
 * Contacted with some companies. (Cost estimate will be done by ATC.)
Line 83: Line 61:
 * Made a schedule.
 * 3D model
   * Received a quotation. Discussing details.
 * Put a report here
Line 87: Line 63:
 * Prototype boards are ready now.
 * Programming the software using the boards.
 * Put a report here
Line 91: Line 66:
 * Not any issue  * Any issue ?
Line 94: Line 69:
 * Inertial Sensors for Type-B (Fabian): no progress  * Inertial Sensors for Type-B (Fabian)
 * Wide OSEM production and test plan (Akutsu, Aso)
  * Steps
   * Test assemble a few (Akutsu)
   * Noise check (Who ?)
    * Change the supply current of a satellite amplifier (find the optimal value for the wide OSEM).
    * Calibration
    * Noise measurements
   * Mass production of wide OSEMs (Akutsu)
    * Calibration and simple noise check
   * Ship to Kamioka
   * Change the supply current of the satellite amplifiers (who ?)
  * Deadline for delivery ?
 * LVDT test
Line 104: Line 92:
 * Travel (Week of 7/18):
  * Takahashi:
  * Shoda:
  * Mark:
  * Fabian: 19(Kashiwa)
  * Okutomi:
  * Fujii:
  * Ishizaki:
  * Hirata: 19(Kashiwa)
  * Sato:
  * Ohishi:
Line 128: Line 106:
Mark is away: July 8-20  * Travel (Week of 8/1):
  * Takahashi:
  * Shoda:
  * Mark: 1 - 5 ?
  * Fabian: 1 - 5 ?
  * Okutomi:
  * Fujii:
  * Ishizaki:
  * Hirata:
  * Sato:
  * Ohishi:
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Visit by ATC on July 20
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2016/7/22(Fri) 13:30 - 2016/7/29(Fri) 13:30 -

Agenda/Minutes of the VIS Meeting on 2016/7/22

2016/7/22 13:30 - @ Room 210


Progress report

Schedule Chart (PDF,MPP)

Type-A (Takahashi)

Type-B (Mark)


  • Type B Past Week Summary
    • Hirata-san wiped one set each of wires for the BS and RM (additional sets pending).
    • Hirata-san washed remachined locking parts for the IM and screws for jacks.
    • Hirata-san liaised with Ikenoue-san of ATC to get new winch parts designed for the new wire thicknesses. Ikenoue-san provided updated designs for checking.
    • Hirata-san worked on the Inventor 3D assembly of the SR2.
    • The scale for checking the masses of the IM parts arrived.
    • Fabian and Hirata-san assembled the IRM and identified an issue with the Teflon-coated lock screws between the IM and IRM. The screws were slightly too large, and correcting the size with a die caused large flakes of the black coating to come off. (These screws were ordered before the current screw policy was instituted.) Hirata-san will order SDC-coated screws from Misumi and have additional machining done on them.
    • Fabian tracked down the calibration factors for the geophones and generated a calibrated plot.

  • Type B ongoing issues
    • OSEMs
      • Akutsu-san is working to get wide-mouth OSEMs (2 assembled; first 4 expected to be assembled and washed by 8/8)

    • Longer cables for BF->PI and SF->PI ORDERED.

    • SR machining test ongoing.
    • Lower breadboard stuff
      • Installation to be incorporated into the procedure document. Mark/Takahashi to discuss.
      • Breadboard springs (in manufacture, expected end of July)
    • Documents
  • To-do list during Mark's vacation
    • Weigh IM/RM/IRM (Fabian, Hirata) - DONE but anomalies found.
    • Pack/ship IM/RM/IRM to Kamioka (Hirata/Fabian).
    • Analyze geophone data (Fabian/Shoda) - data taken by Shoda-san; Fabian to find calibration factors.
    • Remove glue from dummy BS face (Fabian) - partly done.
    • Reglue flags and prisms (Tatsumi, Fabian)
    • Clean wire for BS and RM (Hirata) - DONE
    • Get new winch parts for new wire diameters - design received from Ikenoue-san
    • Do fit/function test of winches (Fabian/Hirata)
    • Ship winches to Kamioka (Hirata/Fabian)
    • Work on BS simulation (Fabian)
    • Do Inventor assembly for SR2 in chamber and on assembly frame (Hirata) - ONGOING.
    • Write more of payload assembly procedure (Fabian)
    • Write more of main assembly procedure (Mark)
  • Longer term to-do list
    • Do BS Simulink model (Mark, Kokeyama)
    • Do 2D drawings of SR2 parts (Hirata)
    • Redesign SRx IM wire clamps for larger prisms, remachined RMs.
    • Order SRM/PRM parts (Hirata/Shoda)
    • Order SRx fasteners (Hirata)
    • Check SR RM machining test progress (Hirata)

Type-Bp (Shoda)

  • Basic Design Review minute

  • Contacted with some companies. (Cost estimate will be done by ATC.)

IMMT (Ohishi)

  • Put a report here

Watchdog system (Tanaka)

  • Put a report here


  • Any issue ?


  • Inertial Sensors for Type-B (Fabian)
  • Wide OSEM production and test plan (Akutsu, Aso)
    • Steps
      • Test assemble a few (Akutsu)
      • Noise check (Who ?)
        • Change the supply current of a satellite amplifier (find the optimal value for the wide OSEM).
        • Calibration
        • Noise measurements
      • Mass production of wide OSEMs (Akutsu)
        • Calibration and simple noise check
      • Ship to Kamioka
      • Change the supply current of the satellite amplifiers (who ?)
    • Deadline for delivery ?
  • LVDT test

Site work plan for the next week

  • Mon:
  • Tue:
  • Wed:
  • Thu:
  • Fri:

Travel Plans

  • Travel (Week of 7/25):
    • Takahashi:
    • Shoda:
    • Mark: 25-29 ?
    • Fabian: 25-29 ?
    • Okutomi:
    • Fujii:
    • Ishizaki:
    • Hirata:
    • Sato:
    • Ohishi:
  • Travel (Week of 8/1):
    • Takahashi:
    • Shoda:
    • Mark: 1 - 5 ?
    • Fabian: 1 - 5 ?
    • Okutomi:
    • Fujii:
    • Ishizaki:
    • Hirata:
    • Sato:
    • Ohishi:

Next meeting

2016/7/29(Fri) 13:30 -

KAGRA/Subgroups/VIS/VISMinutes20160722 (last edited 2016-07-27 14:40:36 by YoichiAso)