Agenda/Minutes of the VIS Meeting on 2017/4/21
2017/4/21 13:30 -
Progress report
- Type-A:
- Type-B:
- Type-Bp:
Type-A (Takahashi)
Past week report
Installation in Y-end:
- Cleaned the booth and opened the chamber.
- Unpacked the F1 and moved it into the clean booth.
- Assembled the end plate 1.
- Checked behavior of F2. The frequency depends on the stress due to the cap.
- Extended the EQ stop to the F1 stage.
- Prepared for the F1 damper.
- Cabling of the F1.
- Put the F1 on the EQ stop.
- Replaced two release sensors.
- Cabling between F1 and F2.
Plan for coming weeks
- Setting of the F1.
- Prepare for the pre-isolator.
Type B (Mark)
Past week report
At Kamioka (Mark, Fabian, Enzo, Perry, Hirata-san):
- Plugged in the second pico cable (accidentally shipped to Mitaka and returned) and tested the pico motors with Miyo-kun's MEDM interface. All worked on FAST speed except IM_YAW. Miyo-kun worked on debugging the SLOW and MED speeds.
Realized that the SF/BF/... section doesn't need 6 kg added, it needs 6 kg removed, but none to remove. The 20 kg extra in the BF to match the SF GAS filter makes the whole chain overload the PI GAS filter.
Lifted the SF/BF/... section to check for net weight and balance. Was 307 kg (cf. G&M's measurement of 301 kf in 2012 for the F0). Can be balanced with only 63 g extra.
- Went to build up the LBB blade units but discovered that the holes in the base of the blades are two small (are Ø11 mm; should be Ø12 MM). 3D CAD was correct - error was in the 2D drawing. Shipped the blades away for modification.
- Tested the SF LVDT actuation and worked on debugging it. Still not working.
- Prepared the PI for being lifted, tested the crane adapter, and prepared the top of the assembly frame for receiving the PI.
- Searched for and found the old PI-SF rod. (We went to use the new one but found it doesn't work with the old fittings because it has 8 mm instead of 7 mm heads).
- Did safety improvements after Enzo hit his head on a flange bolt: reversed all the bolts on the ±X sides of the BS and put caution tape on them.
- Worked on understanding/validating/debugging Kokeyama-san's changes to the real-time model for the DIO, and started on TFs to check the output filter compensation is working.
Plan for coming weeks
For more detail, see KAGRA/Subgroups/VIS/TypeB/ToDo.
Week of 4/24 (four-day week):
- Crane in PI.
- Connect SF/BF... section and see if we're indeed overweight and by exactly how much.
- Finish debugging SF LVDT actuation.
Week of 5/1:
- No activity (Golden Week).
Type-Bp (Shoda)
Past week report
- IM TF measured
- IM OSEMs are adjusted
- IM TFs are measured
- BF/BFRM stage assembled
- We closed the cap, and cabling was done till the top of the BF.
- Set the top plate and Traverser on the assembly frame and connected to the EQ stop.
- BFRM is suspended from the Traverser interface plate.
Plan for coming weeks
- Optical bench installation test
- Set SF and hang BF (optional)
IMMT (Ohishi)
Past week report
Plan for coming weeks
Watchdog system (Tanaka)
Past week report
Start operation test of system.-->Interrupution.
- Resolved.
When changing theOS(Win7 to Win10) and building the setup environment of S/W,problem occurs that the debug tool can't be used.-->I confirmed that this problem will be solved by rewriting a part of the registry.
A problem occcurred thatcould't be compiled even though the version of the compiler was the same.-->I solved the problem by patching the required include files.
- Resolved.
Plan for coming weeks
Start operation test of system.-->Ongoing.
- Incidents:
- How to protect our heads in the clean booth ?
clean room helmet
- Cover the sharp objects with soft material ?
- Better lighting
- Foreseen risks
- Type-A:
- Type-B:
- Type-Bp:
- Cable management
- VIS purchase
Travel Plans
- Travel (Week of 4/24):
- Takahashi: 24-28
- Shoda: 24-28
- Mark: 24-27
- Fabian: 24-26
- Okutomi: 24-28
- Fujii:
- Ishizaki: 24-28
- Hirata: 24-27
- Sato: 24-28
- Enzo: 24-27
- Ohishi:
- Tanaka:
- Perry: 24-28
- Sekiguchi(Hosei): 24-28
- Hirayama(Hosei): 24-28
- Travel (Week of 5/8):
- Takahashi:
- Shoda:
- Mark:
- Fabian:
- Okutomi:
- Fujii:
- Ishizaki:
- Hirata:
- Sato:
- Enzo:
- Ohishi:
- Tanaka:
- Perry:
- Sekiguchi(Hosei):
- Hirayama(Hosei):
Next meeting
On 2017/4/28(Fri)