Agenda/Minutes of the VIS Meeting on 2018/4/20

2018/4/20 13:30 - 15:20

Participants: Mark, Shoda, Takahashi, Sato, Aso, Okutomi, Ishizaki, Tanioka, Eleonora, Enzo, Fujii, Hirata, Akutsu, Tanaka

Progress report

Schedule Chart

Type-A : (PDF/MPP)

Type-B: (PDF/MPP)

Type-A (Takahashi)

Past week report


Plan for coming weeks


Type B (Mark)

Report for week of 4/9

Plan for week of 4/23

Plan for week of 4/30

To-Do Lists, Schedule

Vacation Info

Type-Bp (Shoda)

Past week report

Plan for coming weeks

OMMT & OSTM (Ohishi)

Past week report

Plan for coming weeks

LVDT Driver (Tanaka)

Past week report

Plan for coming weeks

Other site works



Composite SRM design (Shoda)

ETMY tower repair (Takahashi, Okutomi)

Phase 1 Operation Reschedule

LVDT drivers

OSEM rebuild

Travel Plans

Next meeting

On 2018/4/27(Fri)

KAGRA/Subgroups/VIS/VISMinutes20180420 (last edited 2018-04-20 16:52:31 by YoichiAso)