Differences between revisions 12 and 13
Revision 12 as of 2020-09-11 09:16:13
Size: 4647
Revision 13 as of 2020-09-11 09:27:04
Size: 4649
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  * The gap between TM and RM is enough to insert a stick with adhesive, but it was difficult to see the wire on TM.
  * In the actual case, we can see the wire through the mirror.
  * The gap between TM and RM is large enough to insert a stick with adhesive, but it was difficult to see the wire on TM.
  * In actual case, we can see the wire through the mirror.

Agenda/Minutes of the VIS Meeting on 2020/9/11

2020/9/11 14:00 -

Zoom Meeting


Progress report


  • The VIS-CRY integration meeting will be set at 13:30-14:00 weekly just before the VIS meeting.


Type B

Report for the week of the 7th of September 2020.

  • I finished the corrections of the Type-B paper. Mark is checking the final vesion and I will submit as soon as he is finished.
  • Miyo-kun, Ikeda-san and I went to the mine and did ballast mass inventory (14998):

    • Fabian is in the process of checking roghly how much we will need.
    • We checked for rectangular ones for the top of IM, round ones for the top of BF and arch weights for IPs.
    • Pictures and the actual inventory are in a new album in Google Photos: SR3 Remedying work after O3.

    • Pictures of the top of SR3 IM: IM_top_1, IM_top_2, IM_top_3, IM_top_4, IM_top_5, IM_top_6. We will likely need to replace thick ones by thinner ones with the same weight and then remove from opposite corners.

  • In the procedure document I wrote that we must measure the bouyancy displacement effect when we to the venting. Importanrt for the adjustment of the ballast masses in BS and SR3.

    • Before we did the pumping down with the contro on, so we only know the change in feedback signal. (I should use TF vales to calcilaye displacement.)
    • We should do it with the control off just to measure the displacement directly.
  • For SR3 and SRM I measured the resonant frequencies of IPs (klog 15013).

    • SRM IP looks fine.
    • SR3 IP requires adjustment, the resonant frequencies are relatively high and there's a large assymetry between L and T. We have very small arch weights to fix the assymetry. What's the TAMS300 experience?

  • I tried to assess the consequence of having ferromagnetic connectors close to magnets on top of SF (klog 15011): inconclusive results.

  • I haven't checked Sato-san's cable alternative proposal.


  • Checked the payload prototype in TAMA for the wire gluing.
    • The gap between TM and RM is large enough to insert a stick with adhesive, but it was difficult to see the wire on TM.
    • In actual case, we can see the wire through the mirror.




Towards O4

cf. Post Obs. task (Request), Task for O3c (Plan, Sheet), Task towards O4 (List)



Travel Plans

Next meeting

  • On 2020/9/18(Fri)

KAGRA/Subgroups/VIS/VISMinutes20200911 (last edited 2020-09-11 16:10:55 by RyutaroTakahashi)