CRY+VIS Interface Meeting
Date: 2021/5/28 13:00-14:05
Participants: Takahashi, Node, Tomaru, Ushiba, Ikeda, Miyo, Yokozawa, Sato, Kimura, Aso
- IX: Setup of Geophones/ACCs are on going. H4 geophone should be replaced. It is difficult to calibrate the Oplev opning the chamber.
- IY: GAS blades of F0 were replaced. Installation of the cryo-payload is scheduled on 5/31-6/1.
- EX: Additional FR was modified. New collimator for Oplev was delivered.
- EY: Installation of tower is in the pre-isolator stage. Mirror was taken out. Pure water generator will be delivered on 6/1. Handling jig is under manufacturing.
- Corrugate tube fixing jig: Other 3 sets will be ready by the end of June.
- TM height setting: Confirmed the height of EQ stop using the height standard near the cross tube in IX.
- Commissioning in air: Started on the pre-isolator in IX.
- Commissioning in vacuum:
- Overall commissioning:
- Acceptance check: Group work is set every Friday to make the acceptance check document.
- PF actuator: After SC.
- Jig for FC painting:
VIS Meeting
Participants: Takahashi, Aso, Fabian, Hirata, Ishizaki, Miyo, Tanaka, Sato, Sugiyama, Terrence, Washimi
See Schedule
- Type-A team: IYV 5/31, EYV 6/21-4
- Type-B team: SR
IMC suspensions are ready in air [40] will finish 2021/04/21.
PRs are ready in air [643] will finish 2021/07/09.
ETMX is ready in air [656] will finish 2021/08/25.
ITMX is ready in air [657] will finish 2021/08/31.
ETMY is ready in air [658] will finish 2021/09/16.
ITMY is ready in air [659] will finish 2021/11/08.
BS is ready in air [691] will finish 2021/11/24.
SRs are ready in air [663] will finish 2021/12/20.
Output suspensions are ready in air [695] will finish 2021/12/21.
TMSY is ready in air [708] will finish 2021/??/??.
TMSX is ready in air [684] will finish 2021/??/??.
2021/03/29 updated
16535 Height adjustment of ETMX , ryutaro.takahashi
16506 Deleted unnecessary processes from VIS model file. , satoru.ikeda
16421 Height adjustment of ITMX , ryutaro.takahashi
16512 MCe oplev characterization , takaaki.yokozawa
16498 Type-C simulation model , yoichi.aso
16501 Oplev calibration MCo , takaaki.yokozawa
16500 Characterization of optical lever MCi , takaaki.yokozawa
16537 MCo suspension strange , tomotada.akutsu
16157 Investigation of IMC suspensions , ryutaro.takahashi
16513 Comment , kouseki.miyo
16520 Thermistor installation , fabian.arellano
16521 Setting the mirror to nominal height , fabian.arellano
16348 Tightening the locating clamps for the piano wire. , fabian.arellano
16502 Comment , fabian.arellano
16520 Thermistor installation , fabian.arellano
16533 Comment , fabian.arellano
16521 Setting the mirror to nominal height , fabian.arellano
16509 Lowering the pre-isolator , fabian.arellano
This is generated by python script in /users/Miyo/dropbox/Script/scrapping/
Summary Report
- Setup of the pre-isolator and the BF damper is on going in EY.
- Replaced the GAS blades for F0 in IY.
- Tuned the ACCs for IX.
- Replaced the additional FR in EX.
- Top Filter fishing rod adjustment.
We set up the software and hardware limit swtiches of the FR such that the moving range is [-75,200 ; 2,052,035] steps, producing an approximate displacement range of the keystone of [-1.6 , 2.1] mm.
- Top filter ballast mass.
- We set the FR to the mid-point.
- Then we added 43.7 grams of ballast to leave the keystone very close to 1,252 um, which is the buoyancy corrections value. We did this while having the IP free.
- The tempertature was a bit low, but this is not expetected to create problems: T=22.8 °C.
- While doing this work we realized the IP locking mechanism produces deformation of the the IP table, creating a change in the F0 LVDT readout of up to 0.9 mm when tightened strongly! Of course, we don't need to lock the IP that strongly.
- IP ballast mass addition.
- We added 8.9 kg: 2 × 10 mm × 120° arch weights, one 4.5 kg and and another one 4.4 kg.
- The resonant frequencies of the IP are
IP-L: 66 mHz
IP-T: 66 mHz
IP-Y: 129 mHz
- Temperature: 22.7 °C.
- We need to check by how much they change when the temperature increases (O3GK = 23 °C, maximum lately: 23.8°C).
- We measured IP and IM transfer functions.
- They look fine but some of them have low coherence in narrow bands or look less smooth than expected.
- Next week I would like to double-check the IP LVDT cabling in case there's anything strange.
- Thermistor.
- We installed the thermistor.
- After today's morning meeting, Hirata-san connected the cables differently: two cables had been originally connected to the same terminal, he removed one of them and it worked.
- Hirata-san and Ikeda-san tested it with the controller and compared its readout with that of a thermocouple and PEM's ondotori.The result was satisfactory.
- However, when the in-vacuum cable is touched, the readout changes a lot, so we need to change the cable.
- Hirata-san and Ikeda-san tested the thermistor in all PR suspensions. Besides the systematic error already mentioned above, the test was succesful.
- Hiarata-san has been measuring parameteres for the acceptance check.
- Allocation of the IMMT1/2 is planed in the next week.
Travel Plans
The week from 5/31
- Takahashi: 5/31-6/4
- Sato: 5/31-6/4
- Hirata: 5/31-6/4
- Yano: 5/31-6/4
The week from 6/7
- Takahashi: 6/7-11
- Sato: 6/7-11
- Hirata: 6/7-11
- Yano: 6/7-11
Next meeting
- 2021/6/4(FRI)