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Revision 106 as of 2011-04-20 21:09:12
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== 防振系 ==
 . 常温防振+ヒートリンク+低温懸架
 . リーダー: 高橋竜太郎 (NAOJ)
 . サブリーダー: 内山隆 (ICRR)、三代木伸二 (ICRR)
== Vibration Isolation ==
 . Chief: R. Takahashi(ICRR)
 . Member: T. Uchiyama(ICRR), R. De''''''Salvo(Univ. of Sannio), H. Ishizaki(NAOJ), A. Takamori(ERI), E. Majorana(INFN), T. Sekiguchi(ICRR), K. Yamamoto(ICRR)
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=== 第3回LCGT防振系作業部会 ===
 . 8月6日(木) 15:00-16:30 天文台輪講室
 [[attachment:LCGT/subgroup/vis/Modeling2.ppt|LCGT-SAS Modeling 2]]
== Weekly EVO Meeting ==
 . Every Wednesday, 21:00(JST)

=== The 5th (20 April, 2011) ===
 . [[attachment:LCGT/subgroup/vis/3D_model.pdf|Parameter Configuration by Ettore]]

=== (11 April, 2011) ===
 . [[attachment:LCGT/subgroup/vis/LCGT_PAY_10-30.pdf|Parameter Configuration by Ettore]]

=== The 4th (6 April, 2011) ===
 . [[attachment:LCGT/subgroup/vis/10-30_April06.docx|Simulation by Ettore]]
 . [[attachment:LCGT/subgroup/vis/sequence110406.pdf|Installation sequence by Riccardo]]

=== The 3rd (30 March, 2011) ===
 . [[attachment:LCGT/subgroup/vis/coordinate110330.pdf|Coordinate system by Ryutaro]]
 . [[attachment:LCGT/subgroup/vis/110330_isasA.pdf|Simulation by Takanori]]

=== The 2nd (23 March, 2011) ===
 . [[attachment:LCGT/subgroup/vis/memo110323.txt|Comments by Riccardo]]
 . [[attachment:LCGT/subgroup/vis/report110323.doc|Status report by Riccardo]]
 . [[attachment:LCGT/subgroup/vis/sim110323.pptx|Simulation by Ettore]]

=== The 1st (16 March, 2011) ===
 . [[attachment:LCGT/subgroup/vis/Tower-a.pdf|Design for Type-A system]]
 . [[attachment:LCGT/subgroup/vis/filter-chain.pdf|Detail of filter's chain]]

== LCGT防振系作業部会(2009) ==
=== 第6回 ===
 . 11月12日(木) 15:00-16:30 天文台輪講室
 . [[attachment:LCGT/subgroup/vis/Modeling6.ppt|Model vs. Measurement in TAMA-SAS]]
 . [[attachment:LCGT/subgroup/vis/chamber-AB.pdf|Design of Type-A,B chamber (rev.)]]

=== 第5回 ===
 . 10月15日(木) 13:00-14:30 天文台大会議室 ([[attachment:LCGT/subgroup/vis/minutes5.pdf|議事録]])
 . [[attachment:LCGT/subgroup/vis/Modeling5.ppt|LCGT-SAS Modeling 5 (Type-B,C)]]
 . [[attachment:LCGT/subgroup/vis/chamber-A.pdf|Design of Type-A chamber]]

=== ブレーンストーミング ===
 . 10月1日(木) 13:00-15:00 東京大学理学部1号館445号室 ([[attachment:LCGT/subgroup/vis/minutes-b.pdf|議事録]])
 . [[attachment:LCGT/subgroup/vis/brest.pdf|メモ]]

=== 第4回 ===
 . 9月3日(木) 15:00-16:30 天文台輪講室 ([[attachment:LCGT/subgroup/vis/minutes4.pdf|議事録]])
 . [[attachment:LCGT/subgroup/vis/Modeling3.ppt|LCGT-SAS Modeling 3 (Gain boost)]]
 . [[attachment:LCGT/subgroup/vis/Modeling4.pdf|LCGT-SAS Modeling 4 (Vertical, Pitch)]]
 . [[attachment:LCGT/subgroup/vis/ICDsas2.doc|ICD update]] ([[attachment:ICDsas2.pdf|PDF]])

=== 第3回 ===
 . 8月6日(木) 15:00-16:30 天文台輪講室 ([[attachment:LCGT/subgroup/vis/minutes3.pdf|議事録]])
 . [[attachment:LCGT/subgroup/vis/Modeling2.ppt|LCGT-SAS Modeling 2]]
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=== 第2回LCGT防振系作業部会 ===
 . 7月16日(木) 15:00-16:30 天文台輪講室
 [[attachment:LCGT/subgroup/vis/Modeling1.ppt|LCGT-SAS Modeling]]
=== 第2回 ===
 . 7月16日(木) 15:00-16:30 天文台輪講室 ([[attachment:LCGT/subgroup/vis/minutes2.pdf|議事録]])
 . [[attachment:LCGT/subgroup/vis/Modeling1.ppt|LCGT-SAS Modeling]]
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=== 第1回LCGT防振系作業部会 === === 第1回 ===
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=== TAMA SAS の問題点 === ----
== Archive ==

=== TAMA SAS ===
 . [[attachment:LCGT/subgroup/vis/Report2009.ppt|Evaluation of TAMA-SAS for LCGT]]
 . [[attachment:tama_sas.pdf|Drawings of TAMA SAS]]
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=== TAMA Double Pendulum の問題点 === === TAMA Double Pendulum ===
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=== Transfer function X0~7/Xg in the LCGT-SAS model ===
 . [[attachment:LCGT/subgroup/vis/model_trf.txt|TRF]]
=== LCGT-SAS model ===
 . Transfer function X0~X7/Xg --([[attachment:LCGT/subgroup/vis/model_trf.txt|(old)]])--
 . Modeling M-file --([[attachment:LCGT/subgroup/vis/model_mfile.zip|(2009/8/15)]])--[[attachment:LCGT/subgroup/vis/model_mfile2.zip|(2009/8/17)]]
 . Spectrum of displacement --([[attachment:LCGT/subgroup/vis/model_disp.zip|(2009/8/15)]])--[[attachment:LCGT/subgroup/vis/model_disp2.zip|(2009/8/17)]]

=== Finite Element Analysis ===
 . [[LCGT/subgroup/vis/FEM|FEM Page]]


GW Analysis


Vacuum & Cryostat

Laser & Optics

Seismic Isolator


Vibration Isolation

  • Chief: R. Takahashi(ICRR)
  • Member: T. Uchiyama(ICRR), R. DeSalvo(Univ. of Sannio), H. Ishizaki(NAOJ), A. Takamori(ERI), E. Majorana(INFN), T. Sekiguchi(ICRR), K. Yamamoto(ICRR)

Weekly EVO Meeting

  • Every Wednesday, 21:00(JST)

The 5th (20 April, 2011)

(11 April, 2011)

The 4th (6 April, 2011)

The 3rd (30 March, 2011)

The 2nd (23 March, 2011)

The 1st (16 March, 2011)





  • 10月1日(木) 13:00-15:00 東京大学理学部1号館445号室 (議事録)

  • メモ







TAMA Double Pendulum

Seismic spectrum in Kamioka mine

LCGT-SAS model

Finite Element Analysis

KAGRA/Subgroups/VIS (last edited 2022-02-25 19:10:23 by HirotakaYuzurihara)